Genera of the leaf-feeding Dendrothripinae of the world (Thysanoptera, Thripidae), with new species from Australia and Sulawesi, Indonesia Author Mound, Laurence A. Author Tree, Desley J. text Zootaxa 2016 4109 5 569 582 journal article 39092 10.11646/zootaxa.4109.5.5 6bf8e862-b6f3-4da7-a8c2-b89e1c636e95 1175-5326 261205 24DE652C-A52D-4372-825A-E251293661AF Dendrothrips notelaea sp. n. Female macroptera : Head, body and legs mainly pale; pronotum, also tergites III–VII, with 2 pairs of brown spots on lateral thirds; tarsi and hind tibiae yellow; antennal segment I white, II dark brown, III–IV yellow, V yellow at base but distal segments brown; fore wing pale with two weakly shaded areas medially and sub-apically that do not form transverse bands, also a dark spot on posterior margin close to dark apex of clavus. Head sculpture finely tuberculate ( Fig. 9 ), with a few reticulate lines at posterior margin, ocellar setae III just outside ocellar triangle. Antennae 7-segmented ( Fig. 11 ); sense cone on VI arising near apex of segment; sense cones on III and IV stoutly V-shaped. Pronotum with irregular transverse reticles of which the marginal ridges are flattened ( Fig. 9 ), with no (or weak) markings within the reticles. Metanotal sculpture irregularly tuberculate/ reticulate ( Fig. 10 ). Fore wing typical of genus, major setae scarcely longer than microtrichia, anteromarginal cilia arising ventrally well behind margin. Tergites III–VII posterolaterally with short longitudinal sculpture lines ( Fig. 12 ), VIII with short marginal comb, IX with many discal microtrichia on posterior third. Measurements ( holotype female in microns). Body length 950. Head, length 55; width across eyes 135. Pronotum, length 80; width 150. Fore wing length 650. Antennal segments III–VII length 30, 33, 25, 33, 10. Material studied . Holotype female, Australia , New South Wales , 50km north of Narrabri, from Notelaea microcarpa , 15.vii.1968 (LAM 722), in ANIC . Paratypes , 4 females taken with holotype ; Queensland , Carnarvon Station, 3 females from leaf litter and tree bark spray, 14.x.2014 , same locality, 1 female from Melaleuca leaves, 16.x.2014 ; Stanthorpe, 1 female from Olea europaea , 9.xi.2001 ; Brisbane, Moggill, 1 female in nursery, 8.xii.1997 ; Brisbane, Mt. Glorious, 1 female from Cyathea , 6.ix.2009 . Comments . This species shares a similar pronotal sculpture with diaspora and victoriae , as mentioned below under the latter species. The distal antennal segments are more foreshortened than in any other species of this genus from Australia , particularly in contrast to the condition found in julatteni and victoriae .