Vehicle-mounted net sampling of airborne micro-Heteroptera in western Liberia, West Africa: 1. Isometopinae (Miridae) Author Krüger, Andreas text Zootaxa 2018 2018-02-12 4378 4 491 515 journal article 30772 10.11646/zootaxa.4378.4.3 92833ad4-74ab-4f1c-a7ad-967a0e556ecd 1175-5326 1171560 32850AFB-424E-4F85-BA2D-7F97BA3EDF98 Myiomma brunnea sp. nov. ( Figure 10 ) Description. Male. Length 1.87 (figure 10 A ). Maximum width across hemelytra 0.83. Head (figures 10B–D) dorsal width 0.4, dorsal length 0.23. Eyes contiguous, devoid of interocular space on base of frons; posterior interocular space 0.04. Maximum width of eye 0.18; height 0.29. Height of gena 0.14. Ocellus width 0.04; no interocellar space. Maximum width of pronotum 0.7; median length 0.3. Scutellum length 0.32; width 0.37; cuneus length 0.23. Rostrum 1.05. Antenna I 0.05; II 0.53; III 0.17; IV 0.12 (figure 10E). Head strongly deflexed; vertex together with eyes distinctly reflexed over anterior pronotal margin; from above 1.74x as broad as long, 0.77x as long as pronotum; broadly convex in front; broadest across postgenae; in lateral view relatively long, 2x as high as long. Color brown, tylus bright red; postgenae dark brown. Disc generally pubescent with strong semi-erect brown hairs; postgenae shiny. Antenna I brownish, II yellowish; III and IV greyish. II somewhat fusiform and broadly curvate, clothed with brown recumbent, short hairs. Rostrum I–III pale, IV dark brown; reaching second abdominal segment. Pronotum trapeziform, about 2.3x as broad as long, lateral margins slighty convex; calli obsolete; disk dull rugose but impunctate, dark orange brown. Mesoscutum and scutellum impunctate; dark orange brown with tip of scutellum unicolorous. Hemelytra including entire cuneus unicolored dark orange brown to reddish-brown, pubescent. Membrane greyish-hyaline. Venter including ostiolar peritreme largely reddish-brown; basalar sclerite white. Legs pale brownish, hind femora brown apically. Genitalia as illustrated in figure 10F. Endosoma of aedeagus very short, pointed. Right paramer simple, very slim, without proximal bulb. Left paramere simple, proximal bulb pilose. Female. Unknown. Specimen examined . holotype , Liberia : Bong county , route dam 12— LRU , 12.v 1989 , 6:45–7 pm (leg. Garms ). Etymology . The species is named for its plain brown coloration.