REDESCRIPTION OF A POORLY KNOWN SPECIES NESTICELLA KERZHNERI (MARUSIK, 1987) (ARANEI: NESTICIDAE) Author Omelko, M. M. Author Fomichev, A. A. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2020 2020-07-02 410 11 16 journal article 10.25221/fee.410.2 2713-2196 7165604 AA9A765E-CC39-475B-864C-AFCAFC922BF0 Nesticella kerzhneri (Marusik, 1987) Figs 1–13 Howaia kerzhneri Marusik, 1987: 462 , figs. 4-6 ( , ); Marusik & Kovblyuk, 2011: 199, fig. 25.3 ( ). Nesticella kerzhneri : Platnick, 1989: 184 . MATERIAL. Russia : Khabarovsky Krai: Bolshekhekhtsyrsky Reserve, environs of Bychikha Village , 48°14.56’N , 134°47’E , “Klyuch Sosnenskiy” Kordon, 300–430 m , 13– 14.IX 2005, 1♀ ( ZMUT ), leg. Y.M. Marusik ; Bolshekhektsyrsky Reserve , tall grass with moist ground litter, 11.IX 2005 , 1♀ ( ZMUT ), leg. Y.M. Marusik ; Bolshekhekhtsyrsky Reserve , Chirki Kordon , V-VI 2004, 5♂ , 9♀ ( ZMUT ), leg. A.V. Tanasevitch ; Bolshekhekhtsyrsky Reserve , fir with moss litter, 27.V 2004 , 12♂ 10♀ ( ZMUT ), leg. A.V. Tanasevitch. Primorsky Krai : Sikhote-Alin Mountains , Ovrazhnaya Mountain , 43°42.329’N , 132°07.270’E , large-block scree in the oak forest, 200 m , 14.VII 2019 , 1♂ , 2♀ ( ZMMU ), 2♂ , 2♀ ( ISEA 001.8522), leg. A.A. Fomichev; environs of Vladivostok, Okeanskaya, 43°13.502’N , 132°1.394’E , creek valley, 24.VII 1994 , 9♂ , 14♀ ( ZMUT ), leg. K.Y. Eskov. DIAGNOSIS. Judging from the structure of copulatory organs, N. kerzhneri belongs to the Nesticella brevipes -group. The males of N. kerzhneri can be distinguished from those of most other species of this group by the combined presence of the following features: (1) paracymbium having only one branch ( Dp -II absent); (2) Dp with a hook-like, sharply pointed tip ( Fig. 4 ); (3) Tg relatively short, rounded. Females of N. kerzhneri resemble those of N. liuzhaiensis Lin, Ballarin et Li, 2016, N. robusta Lin, Ballarin et Li, 2016 and N. yao Lin , Ballarin et Li, 2016 by having a wide scape ( Sp ) with almost straight posterior margin. From the first species, N. kerzhneri can be easily separated by their larger spermathecae (diameter of which is greater than copulatory duct width vs. less than copulatory duct width) and from the two latter species, by having more widely spaced copulatory ducts (1.45 of copulatory duct diameter vs. 0.65 and 0.63, respectively). DESCRIPTION. Male. Total length 2.22. Carapace 1.09 long, 0.92 wide. Abdomen 1.28 long, 1.12 wide. Clypeus 0.2 high. Sternum 0.65 long, 0.62 wide. Habitus as in Figs 10–12 . Carapace yellow, slightly darker at cephalic part. Clypeus yellowish. Chelicerae orange. Maxillae and labium yellowish. Sternum yellow with sparse long setae. All leg segments yellow, except for Mt–Ta I and Mt–Ta II which light brown. Abdomen color varies from grayish yellow to dark gray dorsally with poorly visible spots, ventrally light brown. Area around spinnerets grayish. Figs 1‒4. Male palp of Nesticella kerzhneri . 1 – ventral; 2 – dorsal; 3 – prolateral; 4 – retrolateral. Scale = 0.2 mm . Abbreviations see text. Figs 5‒12. Female copulatory organs and habitus of Nesticella kerzhneri . 5 – macerated epigyne, ventral view; 6 – macerated epigyne, dorsal view; 7 – intact epigyne, ventral view; 8 – female habitus, dorsal view; 9 – same, ventral view; 10 – male habitus, dorsal view; 11 – same, ventral view; 12 – male, lateral view. Scale = 0.1 mm (5–7) and 0.5 mm (8–12). Abbreviations see text. Leg measurements: I 6.34 (1.80+0.44+1.73+1.63+0.74); II 4.66 (1.37+0.37+1.19+1.14+ 0.59); III 3.61 (1.11+0.32+0.79+0.88+0.51); IV 5.17 (1.59+0.35+1.38+1.25+0.60). Male palp as in Figs 1–4 . Cymbium approximately 1.5 times longer than wide. Paracymbium with two ventral apophyses ( Va-I , Va-II ) ( Figs 1, 4 ). Va-I long and laminar, while Va-II shorter. Distal process ( Dp ) without any branches with hook-like tip ( Figs 1–2, 4 ). Dorsal apophysis ( Da ) flat and triangular ( Fig. 2 ). Terminal apophysis ( Ta ) long and narrow ( Fig. 1 ). Tegular apophysis ( Tg ) poorly developed, short and rounded ( Fig. 1 ). Conductor ( C ) with a long, finger-like process ( Cp ) ( Figs 3–4 ). Female. Total length 2.50. Carapace 1.14 long, 0.94 wide. Abdomen 1.66 long, 1.12 wide. Clypeus height 0.18. Sternum 0.67 long, 0.60 wide. Habitus as in Figs 8–9 . Carapace, clypeus and chelicerae brown. Maxillae and labium light brown. Sternum dark brown with sparse long setae. Legs coloration as in male. Abdomen coloration as in male but usually more contrast. Leg measurements: I 6.19 (1.82+0.45+1.71+1.47+0.74); II 4.56 (1.38+0.40+1.11+1.05+ 0.62); III 3.55 (1.09+0.35+0.83+0.75+0.53); IV 5.11 (1.63+0.38+1.37+1.12+0.61). Epigyne strongly sclerotized ( Figs 5–7 ). Scape ( Sp ) short and wide. Spermathecae ( S ) rounded, separated by about two diameters. Fertilization ducts ( Fd ) with poorly visible coils. Copulatory openings ( Co ) widely separated, located near the lateral margins of the epigyne. BIOLOGY. Specimens from the Ovrazhnaya Mountain were collected in a large-block scree in the oak forest at the altitude of 200 meters a.s.l. Spiders were found on the underside of large stones. Microclimatic conditions in this scree appear to be similar to those in a cave: scarce light, high humidity and low temperature. Precise data about habitat for specimens collected in Vladivostok are not available. DISTRIBUTION. Russia : Amurskaya Oblast, Jewish Autonomous Oblast , Primorsky Krai ( Fig. 13 ). Most likely, this species also occurs in the adjacent Heilongjiang Province of China . Fig. 13. Distribution of Nesticella kerzhneri . Squares – literature data; circles – examined specimens.