The Mecistocephalidae of the Japanese and Taiwanese islands (Chilopoda: Geophilomorpha) Author Published, First text Zootaxa 2007 2007-01-22 1396 1 84 journal article 1175­5334 Proterotaiwanella tanabei Bonato, Foddai & Minelli, 2002 Figs. 73–76 [1] Proterotaiwanella tanabei Bonato et al. 2002 — Zootaxa 86: 3 (original description); fig 1–7. Proterotaiwanella tanabei : Bonato et al. 2003 — Syst. Entom. 28: 550, 551 FIGURES 73–76. Proterotaiwanella tanabei , holotype: 73, head, dorsal; 74, anterior part of head, ventral (maxillary complex removed); 75, maxillary complex (right side), ventral; 76, forcipular segment and left forcipule, dorsal (poison calyx indicated by solid lines; setae not drawn except for the cerrus). Areolation is not drawn. Diagnosis . A Proterotaiwanella species with 45 leg­bearing segments. Body length reaching at least 2 cm . Clypeal ratio about 3.2. Forcipular article I with a very small tooth, article II without teeth, article III with a tooth; tarsungulum with a shallow basal tooth. Type material . Holotype : female, 21 mm long, subadult ( Bonato et al. , 2002 ). Type locality . ‘Gushikawa­son, Kume Island’, Ryukyu Ids ( Bonato et al. , 2002 ). Depository of type material . National Science Museum , Tokyo ( Bonato et al. , 2002 ) . Material examined . 1 specimen : female, subadult ( 21 mm ), from Gushikawa­son , Kume Id. , Okinawa Pref. , Ryukyu Ids , 23.II.1992 , T . Tanabe leg. , coll. NSMT ( holotype ) . Description . Body size reaching at least about 2 cm . Body colour yellow, without dark patches; head and forcipular segment orange. Head 1.6 times as long as wide, frontal line indistinct. Antennae 3.6 times as long as the head width; apical sensilla about 10 µm long. Clypeus: areolate part with 4 pairs of setae symmetrically arranged on each side, and about 30 scattered peculiar button­like sensilla; plagulae subtriangular, without setae; clypeal ratio about 3.2. Labrum: anterior ala triangular, medial margin reduced to a vertex; posterior margin of each posterior ala with about 20 well developed notches. Buccae without spiculum and without setae. Mandible: about 5 lamellae, first lamella with about 6 teeth, intermediate lamella with about 11 teeth; ventral side with small scales, producing a ‘hairy’ appearance. First maxillae: distal lobe of the medial projections clavate, distal part of the telopodite attenuate. Second maxillae: telopodite with a small apical claw. Forcipular segment: coxosternum 1.1 times as wide as long; cerrus composed of two lateral groups of setae. Forcipules: article I 1.7 times as long as wide, with a small distal tooth; article II without teeth; article III with a tooth; tarsungulum with a shallow, obtuse, basal tooth; poison calyx reaching article II. A total of 45 leg­bearing segments. Last leg­bearing segment: sternum 1.2 times as wide as long; about 20 pores on each coxopleuron; telopodites slightly swollen, with a small apical tubercle bearing two tiny spines. Distribution in the considered area . Ryukyu Islands : ‘ Gushikawa­son , Kume Island’ [1] ( type locality) . General distribution . Only known from the type locality.