High richness, new occurrences, and threatened species in a savanna grassland remnant in the largest Brazilian metropolis Author Camargo Keller, Victor Author Lopes Pereira-Silva, Erico Fernando Author Hardt, Elisa text Check List 2021 2021-03-16 17 2 507 549 http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/17.2.507 journal article 10.15560/17.2.507 1809-127X Eragrostis polytricha Nees Identification. Perennial tussock grass, 20–75 cm height. Leaf-blades linear, without glandules, trichomes densely present on both sides, 9–28 cm long, 0.23–0.5 cm wide, ligulate. It is identified by its open panicle, 15–29 cm long, 14–23 cm wide, with trichomes present along the main axis and at the axils. Common name. Palha-voadora Remarks. A common species at the native grassland. Brazilian range. Midwest, North (RR state), Northeast (BA, PB and PE states), South and Southeast (except RJ state) regions. Materials examined. BRAZIL São Paulo Franco da Rocha , Parque Estadual do Juquery ; 23°20′42″S , 046°42′06″W ; 13 Dec. 2017 ; collection number vck141; HUFABC1947 same collection data as for preceding; collection number vck142; HUFABC1948same collection data as for preceding; collection number vck143; HUFABC1949 Franco da Rocha , Parque Estadual do Juquery ; 23°20′33″S , 046°40′42″W ; 6 Mar. 2018 ; collec- tion number vck249; HUFABC2093 .