New euophryine jumping spiders from Southeast Asia and Africa (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) Author Zhang, Jun-Xia Author Maddison, Wayne P. text Zootaxa 2012 3581 53 80 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.283062 cfe030a1-ca90-4fbb-aa43-778d1d22f3e1 1175-5326 283062 Chinophrys pengi sp. nov. Figs 1–9 Type material. Holotype : male, CHINA : GUANGXI: Fangchenggang City, around Banba Village, 21.683° N , 107.649° E , elev. 159 m , 20 May 2006 , coll. J. Zhang, M. S. Zhu, W. G. Lian & H. Q. Ma, JXZ06#011 (UBC-SEM AR00168). Paratypes : 1 female , CHINA : GUANGXI: Pingxiang City, Longzhou County, Daqingshan Forestry Center, 22.299° N , 106.700° E , elev. 806–989 m , 15 May 2006 , coll. J. Zhang, M. S. Zhu, W. G. Lian & H. Q. Ma, JXZ06#005 (UBC-SEM AR00169); 1 female , same data as previous. Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronym in honor of Dr. Xianjin Peng, who has made great contributions in studying the jumping spider fauna of China . Diagnosis. Differs from Chinophrys liujiapingensis ( Yang & Tang, 1997 ) , the other species of this genus, in the presence of six promarginal teeth on the chelicera ( Fig. 5 ; four in C. liujiapingensis ), the shape of the proximal tegular lobe and the longer retrolateral tibial apophysis of the male palp ( Figs 3–4 ). Description. Male ( holotype , UBC-SEM AR00168). Carapace length 2.5; abdomen length 2.4. Chelicera ( Fig. 5 ): yellow brown; promargin with six small teeth, retromargin with a six-cuspid fissident tooth. Palp ( Figs 3–4 ): gray brown. Embolus long and coiled for about a circle; palpal tibia with a long finger-like retrolateral apophysis and a round ventral bump. First tibia with three pairs of ventral macrosetae; first metatarsus with two pairs of ventral macrosetae. Measurements of legs: I 5.1, II 4.5, III 5.1, IV 5.2. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 1 ): carapace dark brown, with some white scales; abdomen dark gray brown, with light yellow dots and chevron-like markings, anterior and median part with a relatively sclerotized area; legs dark brown. FIGURES 1–9. Chinophrys pengi sp. nov. 1 male holotype, dorsal view; 2 female paratype, dorsal view; 3 male left palp, ventral view; 4 male left palp, retrolateral view; 5 male left chelicera, back view; 6 male endites and labium, ventral view; 7 female endites and labium, ventral view; 8 epigynum, ventral view; 9 cleared epigynum, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1–2, 1.0 mm; 3–9, 0.2 mm. Female ( paratype , UBC-SEM AR00169). Carapace length 2.4 (variation: 2.4–2.5, n=2); abdomen length 2.9. Chelicera: with four small teeth on promargin and one four-cuspid tooth on retromargin. First tibia with three pairs of ventral macrosetae; first metatarsus with two pairs of ventral macrosetae. Measurements of legs: I 3.7, II 3.5, III 4.5, IV 4.7. Epigynum ( Fig. 8 ): median septum narrow with posterior end wider; with coiled grooves within window. Vulva ( Fig. 9 ): copulatory duct long and thin; spermatheca with a spherical head region and a kidney-shaped body region. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 2 ): similar to that of male, but legs paler in color with brown annuli. Natural history. Specimens were found by beating foliage in forest and at forest edge.