New euophryine jumping spiders from Southeast Asia and Africa (Araneae: Salticidae: Euophryinae) Author Zhang, Jun-Xia Author Maddison, Wayne P. text Zootaxa 2012 3581 53 80 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.283062 cfe030a1-ca90-4fbb-aa43-778d1d22f3e1 1175-5326 283062 Laufeia concava sp. nov. Figs 34–42 , 104–105 Type material. Holotype : male, MALAYSIA : PAHANG: Gunung Brinchang, Trail 1 to Brinchang, 4.515° N , 101.383° E , elev. 1950–2030 m , 20 May 2005 , coll. W. Maddison, D. Li, I. Agnarsson & J. Zhang, WPM#05–029 (UBC-SEM AR00177). Paratypes : 1 female , same data as holotype (UBC-SEM AR00178); 4 females and 3 males , same data as holotype ; 3 females , MALAYSIA : PAHANG: Gunung Brinchang, Trail 1 to Brinchang, 4.511° N , 101.385° E , elev. 1800–1950 m , 20 May 2005 , coll. W. Maddison, D. Li, I. Agnarsson & J. Zhang, WPM#05–030; 1 female , MALAYSIA : PAHANG: Gunung Brinchang, near peak, 4.525° N , 101.383° E , elev. 1980 m , 23 May 2005 , coll. W. Maddison, WPM#05–036; 2 males , MALAYSIA : PAHANG: Cameron Highlands, Arcadia, Trail 3, 4.482° N , 101.388° E , elev. 1550 m , 21–23 May 2005 , coll. W. Maddison, D. Li, I. Agnarsson & J. Zhang, WPM#05–033. Etymology. Latin concava (concave), referring to the notch at the tip of the retrolateral tibial apophysis of the male palp. Diagnosis. Could be recognized by the thick retrolateral tibial apophysis (thicker than those of Laufeia aenea Simon , see Prószyński 1976 ), the long and thin embolus of the male palp ( Figs 36–37 ); the wide epigynal median septum and the presence of rim leading to the opening of copulatory duct of the epigynum ( Fig. 41 ). Description. Male ( holotype , UBC-SEM AR00177). Carapace length 1.3 (variation: 1.1–1.3, n=6); abdomen length 1.2. Chelicera ( Figs 38–39 ): dark brown; front surface with a longitudinal ridge; promargin and retromargin each with one bicuspid tooth. Palp ( Figs 36–37 ): yellowish brown. Proximal tegular lobe present. Embolus relatively short and coiled for less a circle; embolic disc small, with a process along the embolus; retrolateral sperm duct loop occupying almost half of bulb width; retrolateral tibial apophysis short and wide, not reaching the distal end of tegulum, with a notch at distal end. First tibia with three pairs of ventral macrosetae; first metatarsus with two pairs of ventral macrosetae. Measurements of legs: I 2.6, II 2.0, III 2.1, IV 2.3. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 34 ): carapace dark red brown, with many white scales; dorsal abdomen brown or gray brown with sandy yellow markings, with a relatively sclerotized area; ventral abdomen brownish; first two pairs of legs dark yellow brown, only coxa, trochanter and tarsus sandy yellow, last two pairs of legs sandy yellow, with brown annuli on tibia and metatarsus. Female ( paratype , UBC-SEM AR00178). Carapace length 1.2 (variation: 1.1–1.2, n=9); abdomen length 1.3. Chelicera ( Fig. 40 ): promargin and retromargin each with one bicuspid tooth. First tibia with three pairs of ventral macrosetae; first metatarsus with two pairs of ventral macrosetae. Measurements of legs: I 1.9, II 1.8, III 1.8, IV 2.3. Epigynum ( Fig. 41 ): window small with relatively wide median septum; opening to copulatory duct anterior lateral to window with rim. Vulva ( Fig. 42 ): copulatory duct wide, spermatheca small and oval. Color in alcohol ( Fig. 35 ): similar to that of male except legs paler in color. Natural history. Specimens were found in leaf litter in wet forest.