Taxonomic study of wasp species in the Polybia (Myrapetra) occidentalis group morphologically related to P. scrobalis and P. flavifrons, with description of a new species (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Polistinae) Author Amorim, Danielle C. De A. Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-MPEG, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Entomologia, Avenida Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, CEP: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brasil. Author Dos Santos Junior, José N. A. Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará-Folha 31, Quadra 07, Lote Especial, s / n. º-Nova Marabá, Marabá-PA, 68507 - 590, São Félix do Xingú, Pará, Brasil. Author Carvalho- Filho, Fernando Da S. 0000-0002-2480-3874 Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-MPEG, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Entomologia, Avenida Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, CEP: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brasil. Author Silveira, Orlando T. 0000-0002-5899-199X Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi-MPEG, Coordenação de Zoologia, Laboratório de Entomologia, Avenida Perimetral, 1901, Terra Firme, CEP: 66077 - 830, Belém, Pará, Brasil. Author Carpenter, James M. American Museum of Natural History- 200 Central Park W, New York, NY 10024, USA. text Zootaxa 2024 2024-07-11 5477 5 537 562 journal article 299900 10.11646/zootaxa.5477.5.2 97578732-5c6e-4fe8-ac7b-6010bbabf8b3 1175-5326 12733301 5F7FB3F5-BC72-40C3-BB2A-63C4C6F119CA Polybia parvulina Richards, 1970 ( Figs 4 , 12 , 20 , 28 , 38 , 58, 59 ) Polybia occidentalis var. parvula (Fabricius) : Bequaert 1944: 287 . Misidentification. Polybia parvula : Richards 1951: 137 . Misidentification. Polybia parvulina Richards, 1970: 305 ; Holotype Guyana (NHM), examined. Richards 1978: 39 , 41, 96; Silva & Silveira 2009: 320 ; Valverde et al . 2019: 4 , 10. Diagnosis . FEMALE. Fore wing with ca. 6 mm ; occipital-genal margin obliterated on the dorsal region but present and very weak at sides; pronotal carina developed laterally and usually marked with a yellow spot; prominence in front of the fovea low; anterior margin of the metanotum medially with a distinct notch; first metasomal segment short and wide at the apex. Proportional ratios: LSI/HMP—0.87; LSI / WT1_AP—1.9; WT1_AP / BA—2.72. MALE. Occipital-genal margin absent; clypeus with apex rounded and covered by a dense whitish pubescence; apex of clypeus and mandibles with many very short erect whitish bristles; presence of pale yellow or whitish spots on gena, in almost the entire frontal part of head; pronotal carina indicated a yellow spot that follows the shape and direction of the keel, much larger than in females. Description . MALE ( Fig. 38 ). Fore wing ca. 6 mm ; occipital-genal margin absent; FHH/INTOW 0.98; malar space short, having half the diameter of an antennal alveolus; clypeus with apex rounded and covered by a dense whitish pubescence; apex of clypeus and mandibles with many very short erect whitish bristles; presence of pale yellow or whitish spots on gena, in almost the entire frontal part of head (from apex of clypeus to between the eyes); antennae whitish ventrally (in light brown); proportion of the height and width of the clypeus with 1.12; pronotal carina indicated a yellow spot that follows the shape and direction of the keel, much larger than in females; prominence in front of low fovea; erect bristles on the body absent laterally; LMS/WMS with 1.0; scrobal furrow narrow and shallow above, and largely obliterated below; first metasomal segment short and usually enlarged at apex. Proportional ratios: LSI/HMP—0.92; LSI/WT1_AP—1.93; WT1_AP / WT1_BA—2.81. Genitalia. Aedeagus with rounded apex; parameral spine and digit distinctly surpassing aedeagus apex ( Figs 58, 59 ). FIGURES 33–36 . 33 34. Propodeum and first metasomal segment (females); 33. P. hecuba . 34. P. rosalinae sp. nov. 35–36. Occipital-genal margin (females); 35. P. hecuba . 36. P. rosalinae sp. nov. Examined material . BRAZIL : Amapá , Amapari Tucano –2 , 13♀ 6–7.xi.1993 , 12♀ 8–10.xi.1993 (A. Pena , F. F. Ramos , J. Dias , W. França ) , 7♀ 10–14.xi.1993 ( F. F. Ramos , J. Dias , W. França ) , 1♀ 11–15.xi.1993 ( N. Bittencourt ), Malaise ( MPEG ) , Mun. Laranjal do Jari Cajari , 1♀ 15.ix.2001 ( O.T. Silveira ), Mun. Serra do Navio , 1♀ 28.viii.2003 (J. Chaves ) ( IEPA ) ; Amazonas , Barcelos , Rio Padauari , 00°30'18”S , 64°03'30”W , 1♀ 05– , Malaise ( J.A. Rafael , P. Dias , R. Machado ), Itaquatiara Rio Urubu , 2♀ 13.i.1981 , 1♀ 15.i.1981 , Malaise ( Ekis , Davidson ), Reserva Ducke , 2 °57'42”S , 59°55'49”W , 1♀ 11.xi.2006 ( Abreu, R.I.S. ), Manaus, ZF –03 Km 23 Res. 1301, 2°23'03”S , 59°51'15”W , 1♀ 04.i.1986 , Malaise ( Klein, B. and team) ( MPEG ) ; Pará, Juruti, Barroso, 2º 27.9’09”S, 56°00.1’97”W, 13♀ 26.x.2007 (S. S. Silva and team), 6♂ 26.x.2007 , (S. S. Silva and team), 1♀ ( O. Silveira ), Beneficiamento Platô , 2°29'32”S , 56°12'44”W , 1♀ ( Quaresma , Santos ) , 2°29'28”S , 56°11'53.5”W , 19♀ 08.xii.2008 ( S. S. Silva , J. Dias ), Estr. MUT–MAU , 2°32'45.1”S , 6°11'18.5”W , 7♀ 30.xi.2008 , 2°32'45.1”S , 56°11'18.5”W , 3♀ 07.xii.2008 , 4♀ 30.xii.2008 ( S. S. Silva , J. Dias ), Mauari , 3♀ 22–27.ii.2008 , 1♀ 28.ii–04.iii.2008 , 1♀ 30.v– , 11♀ 01.xii.2008 , 6♀ 07.xii.2008 ( S. S. Silva , J. Dias ), Mocambo Alto da Torre , 1♀ 01.viii.1981 , Malaise (G.B. Fairchild , J.A. Rafael , I.S. Gorayeb ), Mutum , 2°36'45”S , 56°11'48”W , 12♀ 01.xii.2008 ( S.S. Silva , J. Dias ) , 1♀ 03.xii.2008 (O. Tobias and team), 6♀ ( S.S. Silva and team), Pacoval , 2♀ 29.xi.2008 , 16♀ 30.xi.2008 , 4♀ 07.xii.2008 ( S. S. Silva , J. Dias ), Percurso 1 , 20♀ , Percurso 2, 13♀ ( S. S. Silva ), Ramal do Mutum , 2°36’15.5”S , 56°12’30.1”W , 1♀ 02.iii.2008 (O.Silveira and team), R. Mutum, 2°32'16”S , 56°10'01”W , 48♀ 28.v.2008 ( Santos , Quaresma ), Rodovia / Bota Fora , 1♀ , 20♀ ( S. Silva and team), Vista Bela Rio Mamuru , 03°07'00.0”S , 56°35' 06.7”W , 4♀ 02.x.2009 , Malaise (J. Pena , O.T. Silveira , S.S. Silva ), Melgaço , Caxiuanã , ECFPn , 15♀ , 57♀ 21.xi.1998 , 1♀ 24.xi.1998 ( O.T. Silveira , J. Pena ), Caxiuanã , Grade PPBio 14♀ 29.iii.2006 ( S. S. Silva , J. Dias ) ( MPEG ) . Mato Grosso , Pedra da Anta , 1♀ 06.iii.2016 ( M. P. Torres ), Viçosa , 1♀ 18.v.2015 ( Marchioro ) ( MPEG ) . Distribution . Costa Rica ; Colombia ; Venezuela ; Guyana ; Suriname ; French Guiana ; Brazil : Amapá , Amazonas, Pará*. Remarks . This species was for a long time confused with Polistes parvulus described by Fabricius (1804) . It was recognized as a “ Polybia by Bequaert (1944: 287) who considered it a variety of P. occidentalis , i.e. as P. occidentalis var. parvula (Fabricius) . Richards (1951) considered that Bequaert’s variety should be indeed treated as a distinct species, but with authorship still attributed to Fabricius, as Polybia parvula (Fabricius) . However, Richards (1970) reported that Van der Vecht informed him that Fabricius’ species was an Eumeninae. Thus, Richards (1970) created for the social species the new name Polybia parvulina . It has been recorded from Costa Rica , Colombia , Guyana , Venezuela and Brazil (Amazonas, Amapá and Pará; see also Silveira et al . 2019 ). There are only two records of nests mentioned by Richards (1978) , having three and four combs. We examined only one nest at MPEG, which has a brown main color with some light brown spots; three combs; cell diameter ca. 3 mm ; comb with the largest diameter ca. 3.5 cm.