Taxonomic revision of the sub-Saharan Anthidiellum Cockerell (Apoidea: Megachilidae: Anthidiini) Author Eardley, Connal text Zootaxa 2018 2018-03-28 4402 2 201 250 journal article 30401 10.11646/zootaxa.4402.2.1 3270409d-d789-45b8-be3a-cae44026650c 1175-5326 1208804 16374B7F-CC86-4799-8600-DCDCADD06E8E Anthidiellum ( Pycnanthidium) spilognathum (Cockerell) stat. n. ( Figs 15–17 ) Dianthidium zebra spilognathum COcKERELL, 1936A: 1, 6, FEMALE HOLOtyPE (AMNH, NOt EXAMINED) GREytOWN, SOUtH AFRIcA; PAStEELS 1984: 97, SyN. The holotype of this species was not located, and, therefore, not examined. However, the colour of the clypeus in combination with the type locality are diagnostic. Diagnosis. This species is in a species-group where the upper margin of the clypeus is convex (see Fig. 1a ). The vertical surface of the propodeum is reticulate, as in A . zebra and unlike A . absonulum and A . otavicum . The male terminalia have several unique features, S3 has a mediolongitudinal spinose carina that projects posteriorly beyond the distal edge of the sternum; S4 has a posterior projecting posteromedian spine, that is flat mediolongitudinally and the posterior fringe of S5 comprises similar setae. They are confined to the south-eastern region of South Africa . The most similar species, A . zebra , occurs north of this region, albeit with a fine dividing line. Description. Female. Integument black with variable golden-yellow maculation on paraocular area (ventral broad, dorsal narrow or absent), sometimes subantennal area (lower face partly black), clypeus (ventral, Wshaped), posterolateral vertex, sometimes mandible, lateral scutum, sometimes pronotal lobe, axilla, posterolateral scutellum, sometimes dorsal tibiae (most foretibia, proximal end middle tibia, most hind tibia excluding medioanterior area), most outer hind basitarsus (perimeter orangish, remainder of legs orangish), lateral T1–T3, T4–T5 with medially interrupted or continuous cross-bands, central or mediolateral T6 (perimeter black); metasomal venter blackish. Scopa very pale yellow ( Fig. 15a–c ). Lengths: face 2.1–2.5 mm ; scutum 1.7–2.0 mm; forewing 4.6–5.2 mm ; body 5.3–6.8 mm . Structure. Head. Epistomal suture convex above ( Fig. 1a ); lower epistomal suture projection adjacent to opposite inner antennal socket edge ( Fig. 1a ); preoccipital area rounded; omaulus carinate; fore and middle femora with sparse, plumose vestiture posteriorly; hind basitarsus wide (length 1.8x width) ( Fig. 15c ); propodeum coarsely striate on narrow dorsal margin, vertical surface finely sculptured. Male. Integument black with variable golden-yellow maculation on lower face (mediolongitudinal interantennal area black), posterolateral vertex, mandible, pronotal lobe, lateral scutum, axilla and posterolateral scutellum, legs from considerably yellow (remainder orange) to entirely blackish; lateral T1–T3, T4–T5 lateral only, medially interrupted or continuous cross–bands, T6–T7 entirely or mediolateral spot (latter blackish–yellow) (Fig. 16a–d); metasomal venter orangish. Lengths: head 2.2 mm ; scutum 1.7 mm ; forewing 5.0 mm; body 5.8 mm . Structure. Head. Preoccipital area rounded on gena; omaulus carinate; forebasitarsus with short, sparse posterior fringe; propodeum coarsely striate on narrow dorsal margin, remainder finely sculptured; T6 slightly raised mediolongitudinally; T7 weak mediolongitudinal tuberculate, distal edge truncate in dorsal view (Fig. 16c), obtusely pointed in ventral view; S2 slightly spinose posteromedially; S3 weakly spinose posteromedially, distal fringe on mesal one-half of distal edge, a little longer than spine; S4 flattish mediodistally, with small posteromedian spine; S5 comb of short black setae occupies entire posterior edge, a little longer laterally than medially, not interrupted medially (Fig. 16d, i); S6–S8 and gonocoxa as illustrated (Fig. 16e–h). Distribution ( Fig. 17 ). Anthidiellum spilognathum is endemic to southern Kwa-ZuluNatal and the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa . FIGURE 15. Anthidiellum spilognathum . FEMALE. A. FAcE. B–c. HABItUS. FIGURE 16. Anthidiellum spilognathum , MALE. A . FAcE. B. HABItUS. c. T6–T7. D. S5. E. GONOStyLUS. F. S8. g. S7. H. S 6. I. S5. FIGURE 17. KNOWN DIStRIBUtION OF Anthidiellum spilognathum . Material examined. South Africa . KarKloof, 67km N Pietermaritzburg , 22.xii.1966 , C.D. Michener , B.B. Stuckenberg ( 2♀ KU) ; Mossel Bay , i.1940 ( 1♀ SAMC ) ; Knysna , i.1979 , C.D. Eardley ( 2♀ 1♂ SANC ) ; Willowmore , 1.iii.1902 , 5.iii.1903 , H. Brauns ( 2♂ TMSA ) ; Studispoort Bavianskloof , 33.31S 23.56E , 27.ii.2010 , C. Eardley ( 1♀ SANC ) ; Willowmore ,. iii.1905 , H. Brauns ( 1♀ 1♂ TMSA ) ; Resolution Albany District 29.2.1925 , A . Walton ( 1♀ TMSA ) ; Algoa Bay , 10.iii.1897 , H. Brauns , ( 1♂ TMSA ) ; Resolution Albany District 25.ii.1928 , A . Walton’ ( 1♂ TMSA ) ; Hilton Grahamstown , 12–16.xi.1975 , F.W. Gess ( 1♂ AMCG ) ; Queenstown , 16.xii.1979 , H. Empey ( 2♀ SANC ) ; King Williams Town , 30km WN, Rooikrans Dam , 12.xii.2002 , M Halada’ ( 1♂ SC); Pearston , plains of Camdeboo Game Reserve , 32.32.033S 25.14.267E, 30.x.2009 22.ii.2010 , S. van Noort, Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket PCD09–ACAI–M02, SAM–HYMB023430 (1♂ SAMC).