The ammonoids from the Gattendorfia Limestone of Oberrödinghausen (Early Carboniferous; Rhenish Mountains, Germany) Author Korn, Dieter 286CA4F3-7EBC-4AEF-A66A-B2508D001367 Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany. Author Weyer, Dieter A09A1738-C70E-4F22-A069-8B7DB4A1753D Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung, Invalidenstrasse 43, 10115 Berlin, Germany. text European Journal of Taxonomy 2023 2023-07-19 882 1 230 journal article 58033 10.5852/ejt.2023.882.2177 57d1d191-2bf5-4229-a0f5-9ab472a114a6 2118-9773 8177581 67C909E4-C700-4F8D-B8CE-5FD9B2C5D549 Zadelsdorfia zana sp. nov. 8ABDDAC1-F889-4E3B-8F43-00DCB44E17CA Tables 81–82 Gattendorfia crassa Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen 2006: 109 , text-figs 26, 27g –j. Diagnosis Species of Zadelsdorfia with a thickly discoidal, very evolute conch at 5 mm dm (ww/dm ~0.50; uw/ dm ~0.62); conch at 15 mm dm thinly pachyconic, subevolute (ww/dm ~0.65; uw/dm ~0.35). Whorl profile in the juvenile stage crescent-shaped, at 20 mm dm weakly depressed (ww/wh ~1.45); coiling rate moderately high (WER ~1.85). Venter broadly rounded throughout ontogeny, umbilical margin narrowly rounded in the adult stage. Weak constrictions with concavo-convex course. Suture line with lanceolate, weakly pouched external lobe and lanceolate adventive lobe. Table 81. Conch measurements, ratios and rates of Zadelsdorfia zana sp. nov. from Mfis (Anti-Atlas), from Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen (2006) .
specimen dm ww wh uw ah ww/dm ww/wh uw/dm WER IZR
MB.C.3832.3 19.65 12.53 8.79 5.16 6.19 0.64 1.43 0.26 0.30
MB.C.3832.2 17.88 11.63 8.16 4.85 6.09 0.65 1.43 0.27 0.25
MB.C.3832.8 11.31 7.32 4.74 4.02 2.85 0.65 1.54 0.35 1.79 0.40
MB.C.3832.5 10.62 7.63 3.85 4.11 2.45 0.72 1.98 0.39 1.69 0.36
MB.C.3832.1 10.28 7.36 4.40 3.31 3.02 0.72 1.67 0.32 0.31
MB.C.3832.4 9.01 5.86 3.08 3.93 2.04 0.65 1.90 0.44 1.67 0.34
Table 82. Conch ontogeny of Zadelsdorfia zana sp. nov. from Mfis (Anti-Atlas)
dm conch shape whorl cross section shape whorl expansion
3 mm discoidal; very evolute strongly depressed; moderately embracing very low
(ww/dm ~0.45; uw/dm ~0.60) (ww/wh ~2.20; IZR ~0.20) (WER ~1.45)
8 mm thickly discoidal; evolute moderately depressed; strongly embracing low
(ww/dm ~0.55; uw/dm ~0.50) (ww/wh ~1.90; IZR = 0.35) (WER ~1.55)
15 mm thinly pachyconic; subevolute weakly depressed; moderately embracing low
(ww/dm ~0.65; uw/dm ~0.35) (ww/wh ~1.45; IZR ~0.25) (WER ~1.65)
Etymology Acronym for a Zadelsdorfia species from North Africa. Material examined Holotype MOROCCOAnti-Atlas , Mfis near Taouz , bed 7; Becker Coll.; illustrated byBockwinkel & Ebbighausen (2006: text-fig. 27g –h); MB.C.3832.2. Paratypes MOROCCO7 specimens ; Anti-Atlas , Mfis near Taouz , bed 7; Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen Coll.; MB.C.3832.1, MB.C.3832.3 –8 . Description The species newly described here has been worked on in detail by Bockwinkel & Ebbighausen (2006) , so reference can be made here to that description. Remarks Zadelsdorfia zana sp. nov. resembles Z. crassa , but the ontogenetic transition from the initial serpenticonic stage to the more involute subadult stage occurs at a smaller diameter of the conch (uw/ dm ~0.25 at 20 mm dm) compared to Z. crassa (uw/dm = 0.35–0.45 at 20 mm dm). In addition, G. zana has constrictions, which are straight on the flank, whereas in Z. crassa they are directed backwards.