Two new species of the Miltochrista modesta (Leech) species group from Northern Vietnam and South China (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae) Author Volynkin, Anton V. Altai State University, Lenina Avenue, 61, RF- 656049, Barnaul, Russia. Author Černý, Karel 0000-0001-7207-2255 Tiergartenstrasse 27, A- 6020 Innsbruck, Austria. E-mail: natura. cerny @ aon. at; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 7207 - 2255 Author Huang, Si-Yao 0000-0002-9859-9212 Department of Entomology, College of Plant Protection, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642, Guangdong, China. E-mail: huangsiyao 2007 @ aliyun. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9859 - 9212 * Corresponding author. E-mail: monstruncusarctia @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 9447 - 4925 text Ecologica Montenegrina 2022 2022-12-03 59 60 73 journal article 10.37828/em.2022.59.6 2336-9744 Miltochrista cepheus ( Černý, 2009 ) ( Figs 12–16 , 28, 29 , 36, 37 ) Asura cepheus Černý in Černý & Pinratana, 2009 , Moths of Thailand , 6: 78, pl. 17, figs 154a, 154b ( Type locality: “N Thailand , Chiang Mai , Mt. Doi Inthanon NP , 2300m ”). Type material examined . Holotype ( Figs 12 , 36 ): female, “ Thailand | Changwat Chiang Mai | Mt. Doi Inthanon , NP / 2300 m , 7–8. IX. 1999 | leg. A.Szabó & Z.Czere ” / “ Holotype | Asura | cepheus | Karel Cerný, 2009 ” / “Leihgabe | Museum Witt” / “Genitalpräparat | Heterocera | Nr. 33.816 | Museum Witt München” (MWM/ ZSM ). Paratypes : THAILAND : 3 males , Chiang Mai , Doi Inthanon NP, 1416m , 18°30'59''N 98°28'13''E , 30.IV.2006 , K. Černý leg. ( CKC ) ; 1 male , Chiang Mai , Doi Inthanon NP, 1500m , 18°31'05''N 98°31'50''E , 28–29.IV.2006 , Černý leg. ( CKC ) ; 1 male , Mae Hong Son , 12 km E Khun Yuam , 1200m , 18°48'10''N 98°06'04''E , forest with riparian vegetation, 2. V .2006, K. Černý leg. ( CKC ). Additional material examined . THAILAND : 3 males , 1 female , Chiang Mai , Doi Inthanon NP, 1416m , 18°30'59''N 98°28'13''E , 7–8. V .2008, K. Černý leg., gen. prep. Nos. : AV2498 (male), AV2499 (female) (prepared by Volynkin ) ( CKC ) ; 2 males , Chiang Mai Prov. , Fang Distr. , Doi Ang Khang , 1425m , 29°54'11''N 99°02'32''E , 25–26.IV.2006 , K. Černý leg., gen. prep. No. : AV2494 (prepared by Volynkin ) ( CKC ) ; 1 female , Lampang , Mae Chaem , 1453m , 18°56.119'N 99°23.481'E , 9. V .2008, K. Černý leg., gen. prep. No. : AV2495 (prepared by Volynkin ) ( CKC ) ; 1 male , Chiang Mai Province , Mt. Doi Phahompok , 16 km NW of Fang , 2000m , 6–7.VIII.1999 , T . Csővári & L. Mikus leg. (MWM/ ZSM ); 1 male , Chiang Mai Province , 3 km S of Kop Dong , 1550m , 1.IV.1998 , Tibor Csővári & Pál Stéger leg. (MWM/ ZSM ) ; 15 males , 1 female , Nan Province , 30 km E Pua , 1700m , 22–23.IX.1994 , A. Szabo & Z. Czere leg., gen. prep. No. : MWM 31.483 (male) (prepared by Volynkin ) (MWM/ ZSM ) . Notes . (1) The species has two forms: the typical one ( Figs 12–13 , 28 , 36 ) lacking the postmedial fascia on the forewing and the full-patterned form ( Figs 15, 16 , 29 , 37 ) with a well-developed postmedial fascia similar to M. modesta , M. auritiformis and M. cornutia . The full-patterned form was reported from Thailand by Černý & Pinratana (2009) as ‘ Asura modesta ’. (2) In the original description ( Černý & Pinratana 2009: 78 ), the depository of the holotype was stated as ‘BMNH’ (currently NHMUK , London) due to the technical error. The specimen designated as holotype belongs to the Museum Witt Munich, and is currently deposited in MWM/ ZSM . (3) The holotype specimen is faded and has the paler and more yellowish wing colouration than the other specimens. This damage of pigments was probably caused by the killing chemical. The genitalia structures of the holotype specimen display no differences from the other females dissected. Figures 33–37 . Miltochrista spp. : female genitalia. Depositories of the specimens dissected: 33, 35, and 36 in MWM/ZSM; 34 in ZFMK; 37 in CKC. Figures 38–40 . Miltochrista spp. : female genitalia. Depositories of the specimens dissected: 38 in SCAU; 39 in CKC; 40 in MWM/ZSM. Diagnosis . The forewing length is 12–14 mm in males and 15–16 mm in females. Miltochrista cepheus ( Figs 12–16 ) differs clearly from other similar congeners in its orange-pink colouration of the body and the forewing, and the peach pink hindwing ground colour. The male genital capsule of M. cepheus ( Figs 28, 29 ) is reminiscent of M. cornutia sp. n. ( Figs 23, 24 ) but distinguished by the narrower vinculum, the shorter and basally broader valva with a less medially concave dorsal margin, and the apically pointed and less upcurved distal saccular process. Additionally, the proximal part of the costa is inwardly setose in M. cepheus whereas it is smooth in M. cornutia sp. n. The vesica of M. cepheus is somewhat longer than in M. cornutia sp. n. , has a markedly larger lateral diverticulum and a smaller distal diverticulum, and bears a single robust and distally directed cornutus whereas M. cornutia sp. n. has two robust cornuti, of which the largest one is ventrally directed. The female genitalia of M. cepheus ( Figs 36, 37 ) are vaguely reminiscent of M. cornutia sp. n. ( Fig. 33 ) but differ clearly in the funnel-shaped antrum (it is rectangular in the congener), the lack of the anterior sclerotised section of the ductus bursae, and the markedly broader posterior section of the corpus bursae. The latter is anteriorly edged with a band-like cluster of spines which are markedly shorter than in M. cornutia sp. n. , and has a rugose lateral area on the left side, a broad sclerotised plate medially and a large sclerotised pocket on the right side, whereas the posterior section of the corpus bursae of M. cornutia sp. n. bears two sclerotised pockets, of which the left one is narrower but longer than the right one. Distribution . The species is known from Northern Thailand ( Chiang Mai , Lampang , Mae Hong Son , and Nan Provinces) ( Černý & Pinratana 2009 , also as Asura modesta ).