Habit | Shrubby | Shrubby | Shrubby | Shrubby | Subshrubby |
Leaflets | Glabrous on both | Glabrous on both | Glabrous on both | Indumented on both | Glabrous on both |
surfaces or indumented | surfaces | surfaces | surfaces | surfaces | |
along the midrib on the | |||||
abaxial surface | |||||
Translucent | Present, little or | Absent or rarely | Present or absent | Absent or poorly | Present, |
points on the | conspicuously visible | present | visible | conspicuously | |
leaflets | visible | ||||
Number of | 2–4 | (3) 4–5 | 2–4 | 3–5 | 2–3(4) |
leaflets pairs | |||||
Margins of the | Flat | Revolute | Flat | Flat | Flat |
leaflets | |||||
Panicle size | Smaller or slightly larger | 2 × larger than the | 2 to 3 × larger than | Equal or slightly | Smaller or slightly |
than the underlying | underlying leaves | the underlying leaves | larger than the | larger than the | |
leaves | underlying leaves | underlying leaves | |||
Sepals | Indumented on both | Glabrous on both | Glabrous on both | Glabrous or | Externally glabrous |
surfaces | surfaces | surfaces | indumeted on both | and internally | |
surfaces | sericeous | ||||
Ovary | Indumented throughout | Glabrous | Glabrous | Indumented along | Indumented along |
the margin | the margin and base | ||||
Fruits | Glabrous | Glabrous | Glabrous | Pubescent at margin | Pubescent at margin |