Taxonomy of the plesiolebiasine killifish genera Pituna, Plesiolebias and Maratecoara (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), with descriptions of nine new species. Author Wilson J. E. M. Costa text Zootaxa 2007 1410 1 41 journal article z01410p001 Pituna Costa Pituna Costa, 1989a : 225 (type species: Pituna poranga Costa , by original designation). Diagnosis. Distinguished from all other genera of the Plesiolebiasini in possessing dark brown flanks, with oblique rows of golden spots in males (vs. never a similar color pattern). Pituna may also be distinguished by the following combination of characters: body squamation extending onto anterior 40-50 % of caudal fin in males (vs. 25-30 %), pectoral-fin rays 14-15 (vs. 11-13), caudal fin dark brown in males (vs. caudal fin never darkly colored in males), humeral spot metallic blue in males (vs. humeral spot absent), dorsal-fin rays 8-11 (vs. 11-13), anal-fin rays 13-16 (vs. 17-20), pelvic-fin rays 7 (vs. 8-9), dorsal and anal fins pointed in males (vs. rounded); distal portion of dorsal fin red in males (vs. not distinctively colored). Distribution. Xingu, Araguaia, Tocantins, Paranaiba, and Parana river basins, Brazil (Fig. 1). FIGURE 1. Geographic distribution of the genus Pituna . Triangle = P. schindleri ; inverted triangle = P. xinguensis ; star = P. brevirostrata ; dots = P. poranga ; square = P. compacta ; asterisk = P. obliquoseriata . One symbol may represent more than one collecting site. Key to species of the genus Pituna 1a. Scales in longitudinal series 25-29; pectoral fin with vertical rows of small dark gray spots or dark gray bars in males; frontal squamation F-patterned; anterior section of supraorbital series of neuromasts continuous.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 1b. Scales in longitudinal series 23-24; pectoral fin without dark marks; frontal squamation D-patterned; anterior section of supraorbital series of neuromasts interrupted ........................... P. brevirostrata , new species 2a. Dark marks on flank mainly longitudinally arranged in females ................................................................. 3 2b. Dark marks on flank mainly obliquely or irregularly arranged in females .................................................. 4 3a. Body depth 21.3-24.6 % SL in males and 18.1-23.8 % SL in females; caudal peduncle depth 15.5-17.1 % SL in males and 14.7-15.7 % SL in females; head depth 69.4-75.4 % SL in males and 65.2-68.1 % SL in females; 4-5 bars or transverse rows of spots on the pectoral fin in males ........................ P. poranga Costa 3b. Body depth 24.6-27.2 % SL in males and 24.1-26.3 % SL in females; caudal peduncle depth 17.6-19.5 % SL in males and 15.6-17.9 % SL in females; head depth 74.9-80.7 % SL in males and 71.8-77.1 % SL in females; 7-8 bars or transverse rows of spots on the pectoral fin in males .................. P. compacta (Myers) 4a. Dark marks obliquely arranged on flanks in females; 1 + 1+ 13-17 + 1 infraorbital neuromasts; 2-4 teeth on 2nd pharyngobranchial ........................................................................................................................... 5 4b. Dark marks irregularly arranged on flanks in females; 1 + 1+ 17-21 + 1 infraorbital neuromasts; 4-7 teeth on 2nd pharyngobranchial .................................................................................... P. schindleri , new species 5a. Oblique rows of dark brown dots never forming bars on flank in female; caudal-fin rays 28-31 ................ ....................................................................................................................... P. obliquoseriata , new species 5b. Oblique rows of dark brown dots coalesced to form oblique bars; caudal-fin rays 26-27 ............................ .................................................................................................. P. xinguensis Costa & Nielsen , new species