Taxonomy of the plesiolebiasine killifish genera Pituna, Plesiolebias and Maratecoara (Teleostei: Cyprinodontiformes: Rivulidae), with descriptions of nine new species.
Wilson J. E. M. Costa
journal article
Pituna Costa
Pituna Costa, 1989a
: 225 (type species:
Pituna poranga Costa
, by original designation).
Diagnosis. Distinguished from all other genera of the
in possessing dark brown flanks, with oblique rows of golden spots in males (vs. never a similar color pattern).
may also be distinguished by the following combination of characters: body squamation extending onto anterior 40-50 % of caudal fin in males (vs. 25-30 %), pectoral-fin rays 14-15 (vs. 11-13), caudal fin dark brown in males (vs. caudal fin never darkly colored in males), humeral spot metallic blue in males (vs. humeral spot absent), dorsal-fin rays 8-11 (vs. 11-13), anal-fin rays 13-16 (vs. 17-20), pelvic-fin rays 7 (vs. 8-9), dorsal and anal fins pointed in males (vs. rounded); distal portion of dorsal fin red in males (vs. not distinctively colored).
Distribution. Xingu, Araguaia, Tocantins, Paranaiba, and
river basins, Brazil (Fig. 1).
1. Geographic distribution of the genus
. Triangle =
P. schindleri
; inverted triangle =
P. xinguensis
; star =
P. brevirostrata
; dots =
P. poranga
; square =
P. compacta
; asterisk =
P. obliquoseriata
. One symbol may represent more than one collecting site.
Key to species of the genus
1a. Scales in longitudinal series 25-29; pectoral fin with vertical rows of small dark gray spots or dark gray bars in males; frontal squamation F-patterned; anterior section of supraorbital series of neuromasts continuous.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
1b. Scales in longitudinal series 23-24; pectoral fin without dark marks; frontal squamation D-patterned; anterior section of supraorbital series of neuromasts interrupted ...........................
P. brevirostrata
new species
2a. Dark marks on flank mainly longitudinally arranged in females ................................................................. 3
2b. Dark marks on flank mainly obliquely or irregularly arranged in females .................................................. 4
3a. Body depth 21.3-24.6 % SL in males and 18.1-23.8 % SL in females; caudal peduncle depth 15.5-17.1 % SL in males and 14.7-15.7 % SL in females; head depth 69.4-75.4 % SL in males and 65.2-68.1 % SL in females; 4-5 bars or transverse rows of spots on the pectoral fin in males ........................
P. poranga Costa
3b. Body depth 24.6-27.2 % SL in males and 24.1-26.3 % SL in females; caudal peduncle depth 17.6-19.5 % SL in males and 15.6-17.9 % SL in females; head depth 74.9-80.7 % SL in males and 71.8-77.1 % SL in females; 7-8 bars or transverse rows of spots on the pectoral fin in males ..................
P. compacta (Myers)
4a. Dark marks obliquely arranged on flanks in females; 1 + 1+ 13-17 + 1 infraorbital neuromasts; 2-4 teeth on 2nd pharyngobranchial ........................................................................................................................... 5
4b. Dark marks irregularly arranged on flanks in females; 1 + 1+ 17-21 + 1 infraorbital neuromasts; 4-7 teeth on 2nd pharyngobranchial ....................................................................................
P. schindleri
new species
5a. Oblique rows of dark brown dots never forming bars on flank in female; caudal-fin rays 28-31 ................ .......................................................................................................................
P. obliquoseriata
new species
5b. Oblique rows of dark brown dots coalesced to form oblique bars; caudal-fin rays 26-27 ............................ ..................................................................................................
P. xinguensis Costa & Nielsen
new species