The Late Eocene Flora Of Kučlín Near Bílina In North Bohemia Revisited Author Kvaček, Zlatko Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague, Albertov 6, 128 43 Prague 2, Czech Republic; e-mail: kvacek @ natur. cuni. cz Author Teodoridis, Vasilis Department of Biology and Environmental Education Studies, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, M. D. Rettigové 4,116 39 Prague 1, Czech Republic; e-mail: vasilis. teodoridis @ pedf. cuni. cz text Acta Musei Nationalis Pragae Series B 2011 2011-11-30 67 3 - 4 83 144 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13183351 2533-4069 13183351 Nymphaea polyrhiza SAPORTA Pl. 2, figs 6-8 1862 Nymphaea polyrhiza SAPORTA ; p. 177, 236, pl. 10, fig. 1. 1869 Nymphaea polyrhiza SAPORTA ; Ettingshausen, p. 11, pl. 41, figs 16, 17. 1869 Nymphaea gypsorum SAPORTA ; Ettingshausen, p. 11, pl. 41, fig. 15. 2001 Nymphaea polyrhiza SAPORTA ; Hably et al., p.56, pl. 69, figs 6-7. Rounded to polygonal irregularly shaped traces of attachments of petioles to rhizomes leaving characteristic grouping of rounded variously sized traces on the surface. D i s c u s s i o n: The affinity to the Nymphaeaceae is most probable but the remains can hardly characterize individual natural species. Similar petiole outlines with vascular bundle marks have been attributed to Nuphar from the Oligocene of Montana and Oregon ( Becker 1969 ; Meyer and Manchester 1997 ). M a t e r i a l: BP 55.2345.1, 56.1236.1, NM G 8635, NM G 8657a, G 4836.