A taxonomic revision of the myrmecophilous genus Lomechusoides Tottenham, 1939 (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) Part I. Redescription of the genus, definition of species groups and the revision of the amurensis Wasmann 1897 species group Author Jászay, Tomáš Author Hlaváč, Peter text Zootaxa 2013 3683 1 65 81 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3683.1.4 179b003e-1aaa-46cf-92ae-560b72d09737 1175-5326 284134 AC8FFCCA-001C-4B3E-876B-07F5A3B2405D Lomechusoides kozlovi sp. n. ( Figs. 42–47 , 52 ) Etymology. The species is named after Russian explorer of Mongolia and Tibet, Pjotr Kuzmič Kozlov ( 1863– 1935 ), the collector of the species. FIGURES 42–47. L. kozlovi Ƥ HOLOTYPE; 42 , head, dorsal view (L: 0.77 mm, W: 0.73 mm) (scale: 0.5 mm); 43 , Ƥ HOLOTYPE, right antenna (scale: 0.5 mm); 44 , Ƥ HOLOTYPE, pronotum, dorsal view (L: 1.05 mm, W: 1.45 mm); 45 , Ƥ HOLOTYPE, anterior metaventral process; 46a , Ƥ HOLOTYPE, tergite VIII (scale: 0.5 mm); 46b , Ƥ HOLOTYPE, sternite VIII (scale: 0.5 mm); 47 , Ƥ HOLOTYPE, spermatheca (scale: 0.2 mm). Type material. HOLOTYPE , 13: in Russian characters: (p) „р. Сэрг-чю 13800´б. Желтой, Тибетъ Козловъ кон. v 01 ” [river Serg-čju, 13 800 feet (= 4 140 m ), right confluent of Yellow river (= Chuang-che)], Tibet, Kozlov, V.01 ] / (h) Lomechusa prope amurensis (? sp.n?) W. Schilow, 981 / red label (p) Holotype Lomechusoides kozlovi sp. nov. T. Jászay & P. Hlaváč des. 2012. ZIN . Description. Body lighter reddish-brown ( Fig. 52 ), head, pronotum and wide basal margin of tergites darker. Head quadrate, only slightly longer than wide (HW/HL=0.94), with deep median, densely microsculptured frontal triangular depression, anterior part dull, length of eyes 0.32 that of head; temples slightly convergent, postoccipital process large ( Fig. 42 ). Antennae ( Fig. 43 ) shorter, scape 1.63 times as long as wide and 2.21 times as long as pedicel, all antennomeres elongate except transverse pedicel, antennomere III 1.45 and IV 1.40 as long as wide; antennomeres V–X elongate, oval, terminal antennomere thin and acute, about as long as scape, relative length of antennomeres from base to apex: 20: 10: 11: 13: 14: 14: 14: 14: 14: 14: 21. Pronotum ( Fig. 44 ) bicoloured, pronotal disc clearly darker, with clearly straight anterior margin, sides straight, extended posteriorly, with lateral deep depressions, surface of these depressions with microsculpture, disc dull, with dense, uneven puncturation, basal median lobe broadly rounded, pronotum in hind corners narrower than humeral width of elytra; ratio: PW/PL =1.36. Metaventrite with metaventral process with anterior corners rectangular, anterior margin straight, lateral margins subparallel ( Fig. 45 ), metaventral process in anterior part with weakly defined lens-like depression but lacking rounded groove, whole surface of metaventrite unevenly punctured and setaceous, setae reaching margin of next puncture, metaventral disc with dense microsculpture. Elytra densely punctured, distance between punctures less than puncture diameter, 1.20 times shorter than pronotum measured along median line, ratio: EW/EL=1.78. Abdomen with tergite II densely punctured and setaceous, distance between punctures on posterior margin less than puncture diameter, tergites III–IV on posterior margin with fine, sparse puncturation and setation, tergites V– VII sparsely but roughly punctured at base, densely punctured on lateral parts, tergites II–VIII with uneven microsculpture, only tergites V–VI with microsculpture on lateral sides, tergite and sternite VIII as in Fig. 46 a, 46b. Aedeagus unknown. Spermatheca as in Fig. 47 , basal part U-shaped, apical part slightly shorter and about as wide as basal part, about three times as long as wide, internal wall in apical part sparsely wrinkled. FIGURES 48–50. 48 , L. strumosus from Bardejov, Slovakia, habitus; 49 , L. amurensis , from Irkutsk, habitus; 50 , L. schneideri , HOLOTYPE, habitus FIGURES 51–52. 51 , L. suensoni HOLOTYPE, habitus; 52 , L. kozlovi HOLOTYPE, habitus. Measurements. ( Holotype ), body length 4.70 mm ; forebody length 2.45 mm ; head length 0.79 mm ; head width 0.75 mm ; antennal length 2.40 mm ; pronotal length 1.10 mm ; pronotal width 1.50 mm ; elytral length 0.95 mm ; elytral width 1.70 mm ; foretibial length 0.95 mm ; midtibial length 1.15 mm ; hindtibial length 1.40 mm Diferencial diagnosis. L. kozlovi differs from other species of the amurensis group by its deep median triangular depresssion on head, metavenral process rectangular, elytra densely and coarsely punctured and by the characteristic shape of spermatheca. Host ant. Unknown Distribution. China (Tibet)