Atlas of European millipedes 2: Order Julida (Class Diplopoda) Author Kime, Richard Desmond 847CC68F-00BF-4DAB-8E53-B7A3384D66C1 Email: deskime 2 @ aol. com & urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: 847 CC 68 F- 00 BF- 4 DAB- 8 E 53 - B 7 A 3384 D 66 C 1 Author Enghoff, Henrik FB09A817-000D-43C3-BCC4-2BC1E5373635 urn: lsid: zoobank. org: author: FB 09 A 817 - 000 D- 43 C 3 - BCC 4 - 2 BC 1 E 5373635 & Corresponding author: henghoff @ snm. ku. dk text European Journal of Taxonomy 2017 2017-08-29 346 1 299 journal article 21780 10.5852/ejt.2017.346 39926986-58ae-4af8-831c-689b7c8dbbc6 2118-9773 3866525 9600FFB8-3FB9-4522-B030-D5A6B145EDEB 296. Leptoiulus bertkaui (Verhoeff, 1896) Iulus bertkaui Verhoeff, 1896 . Distribution CH , DE, FR-FRA, LU. Meuse, Rhine and Weser river basins. Habitat Humid areas, usually in close proximity to rivers; these may be open (meadows and marshes) or more frequently closed (wooded river margins, inundation forest). It prefers natural or semi-natural biotopes. In the Meuse Basin associated with woodland ( Salix , Alnus , Betula , Quercus , Fagus ) on greensand or in valleys in Jurassic limestone. Most active in springtime. Found as high as 1000 m above sea level in the south of its range. Remarks For almost a century it was known only from the Rhine Basin. Then it was reported from the Rhône Basin, but only near Geneva in Switzerland , not very far from the headwaters of the Rhine (Pedroli- Christen 1993). More recent finds in Alnus and Quercus woods in the Meuse Basin in France and the upper Weser Basin near Kassel in Germany ( Voigtländer & Hauser 1998 ) add extensively to its range.