Two new species of the macropsine leafhopper genus Pediopsoides Matsumura from southwest China (Hemiptera: Cicadomorpha: Cicadellidae) Author Zhang, Bin text Zootaxa 2010 2620 56 62 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.198094 0d3e48cc-2856-4c1c-b463-a0d7b9257157 1175-5326 198094 Pediopsoides (Pediopsoides) jingdongensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 5–8 , 21–31 ) Diagnosis. This species resembles Pediopsoides (Pediopsoides) kodaiana Viraktamath externally, but differs in having the ventral margin of the pygofer with an incised process and 12 to 13 denticles, the dorsal connective forked and the apex of the aedeagus with a pair of hooked processes. Description. Measurements. Male 3.8 mm long. head 1.3 mm wide across eyes. Coloration . Body grayish fulvous with dark spots. Face yellowish brown with dark spotted markings. Ocelli pale brown, eyes brown. Morphology . Head slightly narrower than pronotum. Face across eyes wider than long. Apex of frontoclypeus expanded, anteclypeus narrow and tapered. Pronotum as in Pediopsoides (Celopsis) membrana . Scutellum wider than long. Right forewing with 3 anteapical cells and small cell at base of central anteapical, left forewing with 2 anteapical cells, two claval veins joined by a cross vein. Hind femur macrosetal formula 2+1, hind tibial spinulation AD 11–15, AD 8, AV 5–6. Male genitalia. Pygofer with incised dorsal margin, caudal margin slightly concaved, with series of teeth mesally along caudoventral margin, row of short macrosetae along ventral margin. Subgenital plates elongate and narrow, margined with fine setae. Style slightly curved dorsally, with apical upcurved process directed posterolaterally. Aedeagal shaft curved dorsally in lateral view, broad basally then narrowed, apex with pair of strongly curved processes, dorsal apodeme small, gonopore apical, dorsal connective forked, each fork strongly curved and serrated along posteroventral margin. Female. Unknown. FIGURES 5–8. Pediopsoides (Pediopsoides) jingdongensis sp. nov. 5. Habitus, dorsal view; 6. Habitus, lateral view; 7. Head and thorax, dorsal view; 8. Face. Material examined. Holotype : 3, China , Yunnan, Jingdong (24°42΄N, 100°82΄E), 22 August 2009 , collected by Zhang Bin. Host plant . Unidentified shrubs. Remarks. Although tentatively placed in the subgenus Pediopsoides , this species disagrees with Hamilton’s (1980) diagnosis of the subgenus in having the head wider than long, the right forewing with three anteapical cells, and the dorsal connective with ventral and dorsal processes. Nevertheless, this placement is most appropriate given the presence of claval cross veins and the similarity of the male genitalia to those of P.(P.) kodaiana Viraktamath and P. (P.) femorata (Hamilton) . The difficulty in placing this species and P. (C.) membrana to subgenus indicates that the subgeneric classification of Pediopsoides proposed by Hamilton (1980) needs to be re-evaluated. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality of the species.