The snakeflies of the Mediterranean islands: review and biogeographical analysis (Neuropterida, Raphidioptera) Author Aspoeck, Horst Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Medical Parasitology, Medical University of Vienna, Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Austria Author Aspoeck, Ulrike Natural History Museum Vienna, Department of Entomology, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria & Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Vienna, Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2023 2023-05-03 70 1 175 218 journal article 1860-1324-1-175 9E52FBF7700E4FC3A62E0334CE3DE926 88E9CFE5B5315143B11AAA90BD90ECBF Parvoraphidia microstigma (Stein, 1863) Raphidia microstigma Stein, 1863 (odescr): H. Aspoeck et al. 1991 (mon); H. Aspoeck and U. Aspoeck 2014 (cat). Raphidia (Parvoraphidia) microstigma Stein: H. Aspoeck et al. 1991 (mon). Parvoraphidia microstigma (Stein, 1863): H. Aspoeck et al. 1991 (mon); H. Aspoeck and Hoelzel 1996 (distr); H. Aspoeck et al. 2001 (anncat); Haring et al. 2011 (phyl, phyltree); H. Aspoeck and U. Aspoeck 2013 (cat, etymol; ill: imag), 2014 (cat); Sziraki 2014 (rec). Taxonomy. H. Aspoeck et al. (1991) . P. microstigma can be morphologically differentiated only by characters of the male genitalia, however, the Subilla three species (andone subspecies) of the genus show perfect geographical vicariance. Biology and ecology. Larvae probably exclusively terricolous. Numerous records of adults on low vegetation, bushes and trees in various habitats: light oak and pine forests, on clearings within fir tree forests, on slopes with Genista , on hedgerows at fields in altitudes of 650-1200 m. Development possibly onlyone year. Last hibernation stage: probably full-grown larva. Adults: V-VII. Records on Mediterranean islands (Fig. 7b ). Records so far only on Levkas. It is, however, likely that the species will also be found on other Ionian islands. Syntopic Raphidioptera on Levkas: Ornatoraphidia flavilabris , Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major , Subilla artemis . Continental distribution. Greece north of the gulf of Korinthos, Albania, North Macedonia. Biogeography. Stationary monocentric Balkanopontomediterranean faunal element.