New Taxa And Synonymy In The Family Pyrgotidae (Diptera Tephritoidea) Ii Subtribe Adapsiliina And Afrotropical Campylocera Author Korneyev, V. A. text Vestnik Zoologii 2016 2016-06-01 50 3 195 218 journal article 10.1515/vzoo-2016-0024 2073-2333 6453684 Campylocera unicolor Becker, 1909 ( fig. 4 ) Campylocera unicolor Becker, 1909: 118 ; 1910: 27 ; Steyskal, 1980: 557 . M a t e r i a l. Type . Syntype Ơ Campylocera unicolor : Kenya : “MUSEUM PARIS / Afrique Orient. Angl / Nairobi / Maurice de Rothschild ” [pale blue label], “ Campylocera / unicolor Beck. [Becker’s handwriting] det Becker” ( MHNP ) . R e m a r k. This species based on a single known male considered a syntype , was described originally without mentioning number or labels of the type(s). I do not designate lectotypes in the present paper: this is to be done in the forthcoming revision of the genus Campylocera . This specimen is very probably conspecific to C. hyalipennis ( Aczél, 1958 ) or C. scalaris ( Hendel, 1934 ) , described based on females and having minor differences between each other to tell which “female morphospecies” corresponds to this male. It will be considered in details in the revision of the genus (Korneyev, in prep.).