Catalogue of type specimens of beetles (Coleoptera) deposited in the National Museum, Prague, Czech Republic Author Bezděk, Aleš K. Chocholy 16, CZ- 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic; e-mail: bezdek @ entu. cas. cz Author Hájek, Jiří Department of Entomology, National Museum, Kunratice 1, CZ- 148 00 Praha 4, Czech Republic; e-mail: jiri _ hajek @ nm. cz text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2013 2013-07-15 53 1 387 442 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5739743 0374-1036 5739743 Scarabaeus babori Balthasar, 1934 Scarabaeus babori Balthasar, 1934: 147 . The lectotype and two paralectotypes are deposited in NMPC (ex coll. V. Balthasar): LECTOTYPE (J): ‘Elbrus Geb. / Persien Rttr. [p] // Typus [p, red label, black frame] // Sc. babori / Typ. m. [hw] / Dr. Balthasar det. [p] // babori J [hw, blue label] // S. babori Balthasar / LECTOTYPE J / des. J. Zídek 2008 [p]’. PARALECTOTYPE ( ): ‘Elbrus Geb. / Persien Rttr. [p] // Typus [p, red label, black frame] // Sc. babori / Typ. m. [hw] / Dr. Balthasar det. [p] // babori [hw, blue label] // S. babori Balthasar / PARALECTOTYPE / det. J. Zídek 2008 [p]’. PARALECTOTYPE (J): ‘Elbrus Geb. / Persien Rttr. [p] // Typus [p, red label, black frame] // Sc. babori / Typus m. [hw] / Dr. Balthasar det. [p] // transcaspicus [hw, blue label] // S. transcaspicus Stolfa / nec S. babori Balthasar / det. J. Zídek 2008 [p] // Scarabaeus babori / Balthasar, 1934 / Paralectotypus , J / des. A. Bezděk & J. Hájek, 2013 [p, red label]’. Current status. Scarabaeus ( Scarabaeus ) babori Balthasar, 1934 , see ZÍDEK & POKORNÝ (2008) . Remark. BALTHASAR (1934) described this species from an unkown number of specimens of both sexes. ZÍDEK (2008) found two males and one female in NMPC (in coll. Balthasar). He designated lectotype (male) and one paralectotype (female). Because there is no doubt about the authenticity of the second male, we have labeled it as an additional paralectotype .