Morphology features
Megascleres (tylostyles)
Distribution (Depth)
et al.
Habit thinly encrusting (up to 4 mm thick). Surface hispid. Consistency soft. Color light orange
in vivo
, and light brown in fixative (EtOH)
126‒1855 x 3‒24; head width, 9‒28 |
Archipielago de Los Roques National Park, Venezuela, Caribbean / Atlantic (7‒35 m) |
van Soest (2017)
Habit thinly encrusting (1–2 mm thick). Surface microhispid. Con- sistency soft. Color
in vivo
n.r., and pale beige in fixative (EtOH)
I, 984‒1148.0‒1425 x 11‒13.4‒16 II, 402‒555.0‒719 x 11‒11.9‒14 III, 218‒271.0‒336 x 6‒9.2‒13 |
Suriname / Atlantic (64 m) |
MNRJ 21505 |
Habit thinly encrusting (<1 mm thick). Surface rugose and micro- hispid. Color orangy-yellow
in vivo
, and beige in fixatie (EtOH)
231‒431.1‒1174 x 10‒14.0‒18 |
Costa do Descobrimento, Bahia, Brazil / Atlantic (intertidal) |