New records of some rare mayflies (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) from Ukraine Author Martynov, Alexander V. text Ecologica Montenegrina 2018 2018-02-23 16 48 57 journal article 54611 10.37828/em.2018.16.6 daad5c44-2db2-4e54-b6e2-89ba8a3937bb 2336-9744 8028193 Brachycercus harrisella Curtis, 1834 This species is widely distributed all over Europe, but rare in the Mediterranean area ( Bauernfeind & Soldán 2012 ). In Ukraine B. harrisella also belongs to rare species; it was known only from the Dnister River, middle and low courses of the Desna River, upper course of the Dnipro River ( Polishchuk 1964 ; Invertebrates… 1989; Nedostup 1994 ). We registered larvae of this species ( Fig. 13 ) at different points of the Stvyga River within Rivne Region ( Figs 14, 16 ). Habitat : In all sampling places the river had the moderate current velocity (from less than 0.05 to 0.5 m /s) and the bottom of sand or silted sand ( Fig. 16 ). The main number of larvae was collected in microhabitats with accumulations of detritus and current velocity 0.1–0.3 m /s. Additional parameters of waterbody in sampling places were: water temperature 21–22°C, water hardness 47–49 ppm, pH 7.4–7.5. Material : Ukraine , Rivne Region : 2 larvae , vicinity of Blazhove village , Stvyga River , 51.419617 , 27.351633 , h – 146 m a.s.l. , Martynov A. V . leg., 3.07.2017 IN Riv 3 Brahar ; 7 larvae , territory of Glynne village , Stvyga River , 51.529883 , 27.421400 , h – 144 m a.s.l. , Martynov A. V . leg., 5.07.2017 IN Riv 5 Brahar ; 18 larvae , Stvyga River , between Glynne and Poznan’ villages, 51.563133, 27.428250, h – 147 m a.s.l. , Martynov A. V . leg., 5.07.2017 IN Riv 1 Brahar /1–2 ; 2 larvae , vicinity of Poznan’ village , Stvyga River , 51.591450 , 27.477868 , h – 139 m a.s.l. , Martynov A. V . leg., 5.07.2017 IN Riv 4 Brahar .