Maximum SVL (mm) | 39 | 62.0 |
Enlarged tubercles on dorsum | Developed, but smaller and in fewer regular rows | Well developed, higher number of regular rows |
Dorsal lepidosis | Juxtaposed | Juxtaposed |
Number of dorsals in the eye diameter (*) | 11–12 | 9–11 |
Tubercles on postero-dorsal side of thighs | No | Yes | No | No |
Enlarged tubercles on tail | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Tail with basal constriction | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Length to width ratio of anterior postmentals (**) | 1.54–1.77 | 1.35–1.69 |
Number of gulars in first row behind postmentals | 8–12 | 8–12 |
Dark transverse bands on dorsum | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |