An annotated list of the drosophilid flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae) of the Republic of Adygea Author Gornostaev, N. G. Author Lyupina, Yu. V. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2023 2023-02-02 470 23 28 journal article 10.25221/fee.470.3 2713-2196 7616442 017B487A-181C-4E0E-9AD3-CA190EC2D26A * Scaptomyza ( Scaptomyza ) graminum (Fallén, 1823) MATERIAL. Russia : Adygea , Maikop , 1–30.VIII 2001 , 1–30.VIII 2008 , 1–30.VIII 2014 , 1–30.VIII 2019 , 1–30.VI 2020 , 2 ♂ , 4 ♀ (NG, YL). DISTRIBUTION. Widespread in Palearctic region ( Bächli & Rocha Pité, 1984 ) and Russia ( Gornostaev, 1997 ; Sidorenko, 2001 ). Now 31 species in ten genera of Drosophilidae are known from Adygea , 15 of which are recorded here from this region for the first time. Totally 32 species of Drosophilidae are known from Adygea and Krasnodar Krai : 31 species from Adygea ( Gornostaev, 1997 and present data) and 16 species from adjacent Krasnodar Krai ( Gornostaev, 1997 ). Among them 16 drosophilid species ( Amiota albilabris , A. variegata , Gitona distigma , Stegana hypoleuca , Chymomyza amoena , Drosophila busckii , D. funebris , D. histrio , D. immigrans , D. kuntzei , D.limbata , D. melanogaster , D. simulans , Hirtodrosophila trivittata , Scaptomyza flava , and S. graminum ) are found only in Adygea , one species ( Drosophila lummei Hackman, 1972 ) is known only from Krasnodar Krai , and 15 species ( Leucophenga maculata , Chymomyza caudatula , Drosophila hydei , D. littoralis , D. phalerata , D. testacea , D. transversa , D.helvetica , D. obscura , D. subobscura , D. tristis , Hirtodrosophila confusa , Mycodrosophila poecilogastra , Scaptodrosophila deflexa , and Scaptomyza pallida ) are recorded from both regions. Thus, the fauna of Drosophilidae of Adygea , apparently, is rather similar to the fauna of Krasnodar Krai but the latter region should be more carefully studied.