Cave-dwelling Neobisiidae in South China Karst, with descriptions of twelve new species of Bisetocreagris (Pseudoscorpiones, Neobisiidae) from Guizhou Province
Feng, Zegang
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5809 - 5984 & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, P. R. China chenj @ ioz. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0325 - 2532 & Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Hebei Basic Science Center for Biotic Interaction, College of Life sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China dudu 06042001 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3347 - 1031 * Corresponding author
Zhang, Feng
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Application, Hebei Basic Science Center for Biotic Interaction, College of Life sciences, Hebei University, Baoding, Hebei 071002, P. R. China dudu 06042001 @ 163. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 3347 - 1031 * Corresponding author
Chen, Jun
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, P. R. China https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5809 - 5984 & College of Life Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100049, P. R. China chenj @ ioz. ac. cn; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 0325 - 2532
journal article
Key to the cave-dwelling species of
1 Pedicel of pedipalpal patella much shorter (about one third or one fourth of patella length)........................... 2
- Pedicel of pedipalpal patella much longer (about half or more than half of patella length)............................ 8
2 Chelal finger significantly shorter than hand with pedicel..................................
B. titania
Mahnert, 2003
- Chelal finger significantly longer than hand with pedicel...................................................... 3
3 Carapace without eyes or eyespots........................................................................ 4
- Carapace with 2 eyes or eyespots......................................................................... 7
4 Rallum with 7 pinnate blades; femur length more than 4.90 (
) mm, patella length more than 5.30 (
) mm........................................................................................
B. gracilenta
Gao et Zhang, 2017
- Rallum with 8–11 pinnate blades; femur length less than 4.00 (
) mm, patella length less than 4.00 (
) mm........ 5
5 Rallum with 11 pinnate blades; movable finger more than 3.30 (
) mm......................
B. longidigitata
sp. nov.
- Rallum with 8–9 pinnate blades; movable finger less than 2.30 (
) mm........................................ 6
6 Pedipalpal femur 7.5 (tritonymph) times longer than wide, patella 7.0 (tritonymph) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel 8.65 (tritonymph) times longer than wide..............................................
B. scaura
Mahnert, 2003
- Pedipalpal femur 8.14‒8.81 (
) times longer than wide, patella 6.84–7.40 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel 7.13‒8.02 (
) times longer than wide......................................................
B. brevis
sp. nov.
7 Pedipalp without granulation; pedipalpal femur 8.6‒9.0 (
) times longer than wide, patella 9.1‒9.6 (
) times longer than wide.....................................................................
B. juanxuae
Mahnert and Li, 2016
- Pedipalp with granulation present on chelal hand; pedipalpal femur 7.14‒8.25 times longer than wide, patella 6.60‒7.72 times longer than wide........................................................................
B. grandis
sp. nov.
8 Pedicel of pedipalpal patella obviously more than half the entire length of patella...................
B. changbing
sp. nov.
- Pedicel of pedipalpal patella about half the entire length of patella............................................... 9
9 Carapace without eyes or eyespots....................................................................... 10
- Carapace with eyes or eyespots......................................................................... 13
10 Carapace with granulation present on lateral margin, pedipalp with obvious granular in all segments except chelal finger middle to the fingertip..........................................................................
B. aspera
sp. nov.
- Carapace without granulation, pedipalp patella without granulation............................................. 11
11 Pedipalpal femur more than 7.00 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 6.00 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel more than 7.2 (
) times longer than wide..........................
B. baozinensis
Mahnert et Li, 2016
- Pedipalpal femur less than 5.30 (
) times longer than wide, patella less than 4.30 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel 4.80 (
) times longer than wide................................................................ 12
12 Pedipalpal femur length 2.29 (
) mm, patella length 2.28 (
) mm, chela with pedicel length 3.75 (
) mm................................................................................
B. maomaotou
Gao, Wynne et Zhang, 2018
- Pedipalpal femur length 1.65‒1.68 (
) mm, patella length 1.42‒1.44 (
) mm, chela with pedicel length 2.49‒2.59 (
) mm...............................................................................
B yanggong
sp. nov.
13 Carapace with 2 eyes or eyespots........................................................................ 14
- Carapace with 4 eyes or eyespots........................................................................ 21
14 Pedipalpal femur less than 4.90 (
) times longer than wide, patella less than 3.60 (
) times longer than wide.................................................................................
B. chuanensis
Mahnert et Li, 2016
- Pedipalpal femur more than 4.90 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 3.60 (
) times longer than wide.... 15
15 Pedipalpal femur more than 6.90 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 6.00 (
) times longer than wide.... 16
- Pedipalpal femur less than 6.90 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 6.00 (
) times longer than wide..... 17
16 Pedipalpal patella 6.07‒6.75 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel 5.90‒6.71 (
) times longer than wide, chelal finger with 125–143 teeth.................................................................
B. sanmen
sp. nov.
- Pedipalpal patella 7.84‒10.36 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel 8.10–8.78 (
) times longer than wide, chelal finger with 163‒182 teeth....................................................
B. xiaoensis
Liet Liu, 2017
17 The distance between trichobothrium
longer than that of
................................... 18
- The distance between trichobothrium
is somewhat equal to that of
........................... 19
18 Epistome rounded; pedipalp without modification, pedipalpal patella 4.69 (
), 4.75 (
) times longer than wide...............................................................................
B. chinacavernicola
Schawaller, 1995
- Epistome triangular; pedipalp with scale-like sculptured, pedipalpal patella 3.93‒4.40 (
), 3.89‒4.41 (
) times longer than wide.................................................................
B. guangshanensis
Gao et Zhang, 2017
19 The distance between trichobothrium
significantly shorter than 1/2 of
, pedipalpal femur less than 5.90 (
) times longer than wide, patella less than 4.60 (
) times longer than wide.......................
B. xishui
sp. nov.
- The distance between trichobothrium
significantly longer than 1/2 of
, pedipalpal femur more than 6.10 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 4.80 (
) times longer than wide............................... 20
20 Pedipalp with granulation present on chelal hand, trichobothrium
closer to fingertip than
, apex of coxae with 4–5 setae on each side...............................................................................
B. chumi
sp. nov.
- Pedipalp without granulation, trichobothrium
it -et
at same level near fingertip, apex of coxae with 7–8 setae on each side..........................................................................................
B. jiangi
sp. nov.
21 Pedipalp with granulation present on femur and chelal hand, pedipalpal femur less than 4.30 (
) times longer than wide, patella less than 2.80 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel less than 3.50 (
) times longer than wide.................................................................................................
B. martii
Mahnert, 2003
- Pedipalp with granulation present on chelal hand, pedipalpal femur more than 4.90 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 3.40 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel more than 4.00 (
) times longer than wide.............. 22
22 Pedipalpal femur more than 7.00 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 6.00 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel more than 6.50 (
) times longer than wide...................................
B. tenuipalma
sp. nov.
- Pedipalpal femur less than 6.00 (
) times longer than wide, patella less than 5.00 (
) times longer than wide, chela with pedicel less than 5.50 (
) times longer than wide........................................................ 23
23 Pedipalpal femur more than 5.82–5.83 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 4.34–4.67 (
) times longer than wide, chela without pedicel more than 4.91–5.05 (
) times longer than wide.........
B. cavernarum
Mahnert et Li, 2016
- Pedipalpal femur more than 5.08 (
) times longer than wide, patella more than 3.63 (
) times longer than wide, chela without pedicel more than 3.65 (
) times longer than wide..............................................
B. ampla
sp. nov.