to the classification and identification of Weinmannia (Cunoniaceae) in Madagascar and the Comoro Islands Author Bradford, Jason C. text Adansonia 2001 3 23 2 237 246 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5180173 1639-4798 5180173 WEINMANNIA L. Trees and shrubs, sometimes hemiepiphytic and strangling. Populations monoecious and flowers bisexual, dioecious or polygamodioecious. Leaves decussate in pairs or rarely whorls, imparipinnate or unifoliolate, rachis alate or not, leaf margins toothed or rarely mostly entire. Inflorescence racemose (including spikes and pseudoracemes); borne solitary in leaf axils or in compound units of various forms, compound units borne axillary or terminal. Flowers initiated solitarily or grouped in the axil of a small bract, remaining near bract or dissociating from it during elongation of the flower-bearing axis; pedicellate or sessile; bisexual or unisexual; perianth of sepals and petals, 4-5-merous, hypogynous or perigynous, imbricate, calyx lobes free or barely fused basally, petals persistent or caducous; floral nectary annular or segmented; androecium diplostemonous (rarely one whorl of stamens), filaments slender, equal to or exceeding petals, anthers dorsifixed, bithecal with an apical con- nective, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary bicarpellate, carpels fused to the level of the styles, locules two, each with an axile placenta, ovules 2 to numerous in two rows per locule, styles slender and diverging, stigmas small and terminal. Fruits capsular, carpels diverging and opening along their ventral sutures; calyx persistent or caducous; placenta often remaining upright between separate carpels; endocarp and exocarp separating in old fruits or remaining adherent; seeds comose or trichomes more or less covering the surface, lacking wings. MALAGASY CLADE OF WEINMANNIA (sections Inspersa and Spicata) Flowers mostly pentamerous, hypogynous, bisexual, petals persistent, calyx persistent, endocarp and exocarp usually separating in old fruits.