Substitution of some species-level names in the tribe Hygrotini Portevin, 1929 (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae: Hydroporinae) Author Fery, Hans text Zootaxa 2017 2017-11-01 4341 3 425 427 journal article 31668 10.11646/zootaxa.4341.3.8 698feb93-072e-4f58-8f24-706cf6f5d8e5 1175-5326 1040101 4B16ECCB-D4E0-466C-8074-9BA4C559FA42 Hyphoporus elevatus Sharp, 1882 , and Coelambus elevatus Sharp, 1882 The name Hyphoporus elevatus Sharp, 1882 has been continuously treated as valid since its first publication until the genus Hyphoporus was lowered in rank and treated as subgenus of genus Hygrotus by Villastrigo et al . (2017b) . The name Coelambus elevatus Sharp, 1882 has been treated as valid for long time after its publication—either in combination with the generic name Coelambus Thomson, 1860 , or in combination with the generic name Hygrotus Stephens, 1828 (mostly with Coelambus as subgeneric name). In Fery (1992: 343) it was shown that this name is a junior subjective synonym of Coelambus saginatus (Schaum, 1857) , the latter being treated as Hygrotus ( Leptolambus ) saginatus in Villastrigo et al . (2017b) . This homonymy is a special case because both taxa are described in one and the same work. Since no "page-priority" exists, the precedence between the two names cannot be objectively determined. By acting as First Reviser according to Article 24.2 of the ICZN (see also Articles 23.6, 52.3 and the Glossary of the ICZN 1999 ), I fix hereby the precedence of the name Hygrotus ( Hyphoporus ) elevatus ( Sharp, 1882: 390 ) as published in the binomen Hyphoporus elevatus over the name Hygrotus ( Leptolambus ) elevatus ( Sharp, 1882: 403 ) as published in the binomen Coelambus elevatus . This First Reviser action serves best the stability of the nomenclature because the specific name elevatus Sharp, 1882 : 390 has precedence over the other name and, thus, can be kept as valid. Additionally, there is no need to substitute the other name because it is a junior synonym of Hygrotus ( Leptolambus ) saginatus .