Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Singilis Rambur, 1837 of Africa (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Lebiini). Part IV Author Anichtchenko, Alexander text Zootaxa 2016 4158 2 183 202 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4158.2.2 7ac39c12-7f35-4280-b730-45090dacb715 1175-5326 265436 BB925626-D81B-457C-98C1-AC44EB10219A Singilis (s. str.) africaorientalis africaorientalis sp. n. ( Figs. 10, 11 , 22–24 , 34 ) Type material. ZAMBIA : Holotype : " Zambia | Northwestern pr. | 60 km W Solwezi | 0 3 0 6.01 & 0 8 0 9.01.2003 | A.Kudrna jr. Lgt. " (cPS) . PARATYPES : 1 ♂ —" 24.10.2008 , Snizek leg. | Zambia NW | E of Chisasa, W of Solwezi " (cPS); 2f—" Zambia NW | 15 km E Solwezi | 17.10.2008 Snizek leg." (cPS) . DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO : 4 ♂ , 3 ♀ —"Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr. | Lualaba : Ruwe | 30.VIII.1960 | Dr V. Allard" ( MRAC ) ; 1 ♂ —"Mus. Roy. Afr. Centr. | Lualaba : Musonole | 3.IX.1960 | Dr V. Allard" ( MRAC ) ; 1 ♂ —Coll. Mus , Tervuren | Katanga : Kolwesi | (lumiere) I.1962 | Dr V. Allard" ( MRAC ). TANZANIA : 1 ♀ —"10 16.4.2007 Tanzania , | Uluguru Mts. , Morogoro | Province , Kigulunyembe Area | Clemencia Jorom leg. | at light" (cPS) . SOMALIA : 1 ♂ —" Bela | VI.[18]93 | Ruspoli " ( MNHN ) ; 1 ♂ —" El Bar—El Ellan | Somalia It. Mer. | 8.X.1913 " ( MNHN ) . ETHIOPIA : 1 ♂ —" Valle del | Veb. 23.II.1893 | Ruspoli ” ( MNHN ) ; 1 ♀ —"Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Ethiopie : Harrar Prov. | Dire-Dawa , VII/ VIII.71 | G. de Rougemont " ( MRAC ) ; 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ —" Harar Prov.: | 1200 m | 21/ 22.VIII.1971 | Ethiopie | R.O.S. Clarke ” ( MRAC ) ; 1 ♀ —"Coll. Mus. Tervuren | Ethiopie : Awash Nat. Park | 180 km . S.E. Addis Abeba | R.O.S. Clarke 12.IV.1971 ” ( MRAC ) ; 1 ♀ —" Gemu-Gofa : Arba Minch. | 1200m . 9.III.1971 | Ethiopie | R.O.S. Clarke ” ( MRAC ) ; 1 ♀ —" Sidamo Prov. : Dua | Parma River , | 1050m , 12/ 13-5-75 | Ethiopie | R.O.S. Clarke ” ( MRAC ) ; 1 ♀ —" Ethiopia Sidamo Prov. | 55km S Negele | 25 26.4.2007 900m , | A.Kudrna jr. Leg. " (cPS) ; 1 ♂ —" Ethiopia , Southern Arba Minch | 1380m , LF Nahe Nechisar NP | 05°59'56'' N 37°32'54'' E | 14 19.V.2012 , leg. O. Bittner " (cAP) ; 1 ♂ —" Ethiopia | Sidamo Province | ca. 50 km NE Mega | 23 25.04.2007 , 1400m | A. Kudrna jr. Lgt. " (cPS) ; 1 ♂ —" Uabi Mane | II.1911 | C. Citerni " ( MNHN ) . ZIMBABWE : 2 ♂ — " Zimbabwe | Mzarabani | jun. sep 1987 | leg.: SEMG " (cAA) . RSA : 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ —" S. Afr. : Mpumalanga | nr Groblersdal | Riverside Lodge ", " 28.18 S— 29.21 E | 9.3.2005 | leg. J. Harrison " ( TMSA ) ; 1 ♂ South Africa , Northern P. | 7 km E of Stockpoort | at Limpopo riv. 3 4.12.2003 | R. Kmeco leg (cRC) Diagnosis. Extremely resembles other species of this group in body shape and elytral pattern. Without dissecting male specimens could be rather difficult to distinguish. It differs from other species of the group by internal sac without spines, only with two, more or less cylindrical microtrichial patches composed of extremely small spicules. Description. Length 4.5–5.4 mm . Yellowish red-brown, elytra with black transverse band in middle ( Figs. 22– 24 ). Head with coarsel, deep and irregular punctation, dull, with very distinct microsculpture. Punctures separated by 1–1.5 their diameters, occasionally punctures spreading to zone between eyes. Eyes large and bulging. Pronotum 1.26–1.4 times as wide as head, 1.42–1.54 times as wide as long, widest behind marginal setae. Anterior margin straight, anterior angles effaced, sides regularly rounded, weakly sinuate before rectangular to weakly acutely prominent posterior angles. Punctation coarse, somewhat sparser on disc and sometimes confluent, especially at sides of disc. Lateral margin flat, rapidly widened basad lateral setae. Basal grooves indistinct, flat. Microsculpture strong and irregular. Elytra subovate to slightly elongate, 1.48–1.57 times as long as wide, with polygonal microsculpture. Striae deep, narrow and minutely punctate. Intervals 4–7 convex at humerus, gradually flattened towards apices; other intervals almost flat. Claws with 5 teeth. Abdominal smooth, shiny, with few short tiny setae. Propleuron, mes- and metepisterna smooth. Aedeagus ( Figs. 22–24 ). Aedeagal median lobe moderately broad, ventral surface almost straight to apex. Apex of median lobe moderately long, sometimes slightly downturned. Internal sac without spines, only with two, more or less cylindrical microtrichial patches composed of extremely small spicules. Size of spicules and shape of patches may slightly vary. Variation and comments. Throughout its large area of distribution varies in size, elytral pattern (dark transversal band may be reduced to spot on 1–4 intervals), shape of pronotum and aedeagal median lobe. The figures shows the extreme forms of variability ( Figs. 10–11 ). Most specimens shows intermediate forms. What unites them is only the general structure of internal sac of aedeagus. Perhaps S . (s.str.) africaorientalis sp. n. is a group of closely related species. The absence of complex internal structures of aedeagus does not allow divide it into species. To make a final decision about this taxon it is necessary additional material for make genetic analysis. Name derivation. The name refers to the area of distribution of this new species. Distribution. Ethiopia , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Kenya , RSA , Somalia , Tanzania , Zambia , Zimbabwe ( Fig. 34 )