A new species of Metelasmus (Diptera: Streblidae: Streblinae) from southern South America Author Graciolli, Gustavo Author Dick, Carl W. text Zootaxa 2004 509 1 8 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.157318 982446d3-e28c-46dc-a19e-6562c35e2efa 1175­5326 157318 Metelasmus wenzeli new species ( Figs. 1–8 ) Description Body Length. Holotype ɗ — 2.56mm . Paratype Ψ — 3.03mm . Two paratype ɗɗ — 2.22–2.56mm . Head . Frontoclypeus with a pair of apical detached plates, which are no longer than broad ( Fig. 1 ). Anterior plate of laterovertex with three macrosetae and four smaller setae apically; posterior plate with three macrosetae. Eyes a single elongate facet, situated anterolaterally to laterovertices. Postgena short, with posterolateral margin very sinuous, terminating in a posteromedial process; lateral margin deeply emarginate, accommodating dorsomedial apex of the postgenal ctenidium, and bearing a remiform scale ( Fig. 2 ). Postvertex long with parallel sides and a triangular apex; occiput with 7–8 stout setae ( Fig. 3 ). Thorax . Prescutum with 13–16 discal setae. Longitudinal suture united with the scutellum. Transverse suture incomplete. Wings brachypterous, length 0.40–0.46 mm , width 0.24–0.26mm ( Fig. 4 ). Six antescutellar setae. Scutellum with four setae. Mesepisternum with one seta posterior to the episternal cleft. Legs. Tibiae II and III with two rows of macrosetae dorsolaterally. Basitarsi I and II each with a long spiniform seta ventrally. Basitarsum III as long as the two preceding tarsomeres together, and with two rows of spiniform setae ventrally. Abdomen. Dorsal connexivum pilose. First sternites each with a pair of spiniform setae. Female. Tergite VII small, transverse, with two long setae laterally and a pair of smaller setae medially ( Fig. 5 ). Epiproct with four macrosetae ( Fig. 6 ). Seventh sternites sub­pentagonal, each bearing eight setae. Male. Sternite V absent. Sternite VI present. Synsternites VII+VIII with three to four setae near each spiracle and one macroseta dorsolaterally. Tergite IX with two setae dorsally and six dorsolaterally. Gonopods sinuose in lateral view with two gonapophyseal setae; the proximal one more than twice as long as the distal one. Apex wedge­shaped/hook­shaped, bearing short, spine­like setae ( Figs. 7– 8 ). FIGURES 1–8. Metelasmus wenzeli new species . 1. Frontoclypeus, holotype; 2. Postgena, male paratype from Paraná, Brazil; 3. Postvertex and occiputs, male paratype from Paraná; 4. Right wing, male paratype from Paraná; 5. Tergite VII and 6. Epiproct, female paratype from Paraguay; 7. Right gonopod, male paratype from Paraná; 8. Left gonopod, holotype. Type material. Holotype ɗ (on slide) ( DZUP ), from Ψ Sturnira lilium ( MNHNP 2809), PARAGUAY , Canindeyu : Reserva Natural Privada Itabo, 24°27.92’ S , 54°38.13’ W , S. J. Presley et al., leg., 28/IX/1996 . Paratypes (8 ɗɗ and 7 ΨΨ). BRAZIL , São Paulo : Capão Bonito, Parque Estadual de Intervales, 22°12’– 24°25’S , 48°03–30’W, Carmo ( 600m ), 1 Ψ ( DZUP ), from S. lilium (released), I. Arnoni, G.V. Bianconi & G. Graciolli leg., 09/II/2002 . Pariquera­Açu, 1 ɗ ( DZUP ), from S. lilium (DZSJRP 16171), 04/XII/1986 . São Paulo, 23°31'59"S , 46°37'0"W , Horto Ipiranga, 1 ɗ ( MZSP 45.546), from S. lilium , 1902 . Paraná : Adrianópolis, Tatuapeva, 24°10’07”S , 48°44’08”W , Mato Limpo ( 820m ), 1 ɗ and 1 Ψ ( DZUP ), from S. lilium ( MHNCI , CTX4088), J. Quadros & R. Urben­Filho leg., 08/VI/2001 ; Fazenda Primavera, ( 144m ), 1 ɗ (on slide) ( DZUP ), from S. lilium ( MHNCI , CTX4212), R. Urben­Filho & L. Abe leg., 11/IX/2001 . Fazenda Rio Grande, Fazenda Gralha Azul, 25°39’33”S , 49°16’28”W , 2 ɗɗ and 2 ΨΨ ( DZUP ), from S. lilium (released), G.V. Bianconi leg., 05/II/2003 . Guaraqueçaba, Parque Nacional do Superagüí, 25°15–29’S, 48°06– 19’W, 1 ɗ (on slide) ( DZUP ), from 1 Ψ S. lilium (released), G. Graciolli leg., 26/VI/2001 . PARAGUAY , Canindeyu : Estancia Rivas, 24°26.23’S , 54°39.98’W , 1 Ψ ( FMNH ) from ɗ S. lilium ( TTU 99239), S. J. Presley et al., leg., 27/IX/1996 ; Reserva Natural Privada Itabo, 24°27.92’S , 54°38.13’W , 1 Ψ ( FMNH ) from Ψ S. lilium ( MNHNP 2767), S. J. Presley et al., leg., 27/IX/1996 , 1 ɗ ( FMNH ) from Ψ S. lilium ( TTU 99397), S. J. Presley et al., leg., 26/IX/1996 , 1 Ψ (on slide) ( DZUP ), same data as holotype . Etymology. The specific epithet is given to honor Dr. Rupert L. Wenzel from the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, for his outstanding contribution to our knowledge of Neotropical Streblidae .