beetles with 10 ­ segmented antennae (Coleoptera: Lycidae) Author Kazantsev, Sergey V. text Zootaxa 2005 1064 51 64 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170204 02e0c124-315b-4dea-af87-5f277ada786a 1175­5326 170204 Neolyrium carltoni sp. n. ( Figs. 14–18 ) Description. Male. Dark brown. Antennomeres 9 and 10, coxae, trochanters and femurs, ultimate sternite and tergites 9 and 10 yellow. Head with inconspicuous medial impression behind antennal prominence. Eyes moderately large (interocular distance ca. 2 times as long as the radius). Antenna attaining to elytral middle; antennomere 3 6X longer than antennomere 2 and 1.3X longer than antennomere 4; antennal hairy pubescence short and decumbent, scaliform pubescence relatively dense. Pronotum transverse (1.85 times wider than long), trapezoidal; posterior margin conspicuously bisinuate; anterior angles prominent, posterior angles long and acute. Scutellum with almost straight distally postnotal plate ( Fig. 15 ). Elytra long, 3.7X longer than wide at humeri and 8.8X longer than pronotum, dehiscent, slightly narrowing posteriorly, bicostate, with equally developed primary costae (2 and 4) reaching elytral apices. Spiculum gastrale distinctly shorter than distal portion of sternite 9. Aedeagus with long outwardly hooked parameres and relatively large phallobase ( Figs 17–18 ). Length: 3.2–3.4 mm. Width (humerally): 0.6–0.7 mm. Female. Unknown. Type material. Holotype male: Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #1, 23–30 .VI.1999, A.K. Tishechkin, C.E. Carlton (LSAM); paratypes , 11 males : same label; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #1, 17–23 .VI.1999, A.K. Tishechkin & C.E. Carlton; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #2, 20–29 .VI.1999, C.E. Carlton & V.L. Moseley; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #M1, 28 .V–5.VII.1999, C.E. Carlton & A.K. Tishechkin; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #3, 28 .VI– 5.VII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #6, 4–17 .VII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin, C.E. Carlton; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #3, 18–23 .VII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, FIT #2, 25 .VII– 3.VIII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni National Park, Yasuni Biological Station, 0°40´32´´S 76°23´50´´W , FIT #1, 25 .VII–4.VIII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin; Ecuador , Napo, Yasuni Res. Stn. on mid Rio Tiputini, 0°40.5´S 76°24´W , FIT #6, 26 .VII– 4.VIII.1999, A.K. Tishechkin (ICM and LSAM). Diagnosis. Neolyrium carltoni sp. n. differs from N. duidaense sp. n. by the smaller size, different coloration and long parameres of the aedeagus ( Figs 17–18 ). Etymology. The species is named after Dr. C.E. Carlton (Baton Rouge), one of the collectors of the type series. FIGURES 14–18. Details of Neolyrium carltoni sp. n. 14 head, laterally; 15 mesonotum, ventrally; 16 metaventrite and metendosternite, ventrally; 17 aedeagus, ventrally; 18 same, laterally. VT—ventral arms of tentorium. Biology. All known specimens of Neolyrium carltoni sp. n. are males collected in June through August by flight intercept traps in undisturbed Western Amazon terra firme forest on the middle Rio Tiputini (tributary of the Rio Napo), at ca. 250 m elevation. This rain forest is growing on rough terrain cut by numerous creeks into more or less narrow ridges with steep slopes and deep (up to 50 m ) ravines ( Carlton et al., 2004 ).