A contribution to the taxonomy of the genus Beybienkoana Gorochov (Orthoptera: Gryllidae: Euscyrtinae) Author Liu, Hao-Yu Author Shi, Fu-Ming text Zootaxa 2012 3174 59 64 journal article 45573 10.5281/zenodo.279909 04c30534-81ea-40b6-95fa-913a2c10f641 1175-5326 279909 2 Beybienkoana ditrapeza sp. nov. Figs. 8 14 FIGURES 8–14. Beybienkoana ditrapeza sp. nov. 8. head and pronotum, dorsal view; 9. metanotal gland, dorsal view; 10–11. fore tibia: 10. outer view; 11. inner view; 12–14. genitalia: 12. dorsal view; 13. ventral view; 14. lateral view. Scale bars = 1 mm. Description. Male. Head rather short ( Fig. 8 ), occiput rather flat. Scapus 1.8 times as wide as frontal rostrum. Eyes oval and distinctly projecting in lateral view. Frontal rostrum long, broad at base, narrowed apically, dorsal side covered with several short setae. Maxillary palpus short, apical joint widened and sloped at apex; apical joint of labial palpus short and clavate. Pronotum nearly rectangular, dorsal area with impressions, anterior margin slightly emarginated in middle, posterior margin sinuate, anterior angles slightly protruding and posterior angles distinctly protruding in dorsal view; lateral lobes longer than high. Metanotal gland developed, with 2 grooves on dorsal side, anterior one trapeziform, posterior one obtrapeziform, anterior one larger than posterior one, both covered with short hairs ( Fig. 9 ). Tegmina narrow and short, not reaching apex of abdomen, dorsal field with 6 long and 2 short longitudinal veins and a few transverse veins; lateral field with 5 oblique subcostal veinlets, the second one branched in middle. Hind wings distinctly long, extending to middle of cerci. Fore tibia slightly swollen at base, external tympanum small and oval ( Fig. 10 ); internal tympanum large and oblong ( Fig. 11 ). Hind tibia with 6 spurs at apex, 3 of which on external side, very short and subequal in length, other 3 on internal side, upper one longest, middle one slightly longer than lower one. Supra anal plate short, narrowed apically. Subgenital plate long, with lateral margins rolling upwards, nearly coniform. Cerci very long, about half length of body. Genitalia ( Figs. 12–14 ): epiphallus long, narrowed apically, apex distinctly bent dorsally and covered with short hairs; epiphallic paramere short, with apex strongly sclerotized, and inner margin of ventral side with long arcuate concave. Coloration . Body yellow. Head with distinct light yellow longitudinal stripes on vertex and behind eyes. Lateral margins of disc of pronotum light yellow. Tegmina light gray. Measurements (mm) . Male: body 15.0, length with wings 20.5, pronotum 1.3, tegmen 11.0, hind femur 11.2. Female. Unknown. Type material. Holotype 3, CHINA , Hainan, Qiongzhong, Limushan, 9.V.2011 , coll. Le-Hong Zhao & Jin- Rong Bai. Diagnosis. The new species is similar to B. trapeza sp. nov. and parvula Shi & Liu, 2007 , but can be distinguished by following characters: the eyes oval; postrior groove of metanotal gland obtrapeziform; inner margin of ventral view of epiphallic paramere with long arcuate concave at apex. Etymology. The specific name is derived from Greek words “ di ”+“ trapez ”, referring to its 2 grooves of metanotal gland being trapeziform.