Revision of some types of North American aleocharines (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), with synonymic notes Author Gusarov, Vladimir I. text Zootaxa 2003 2003-11-17 353 1 1 134 journal article 5458 10.11646/zootaxa.353.1.1 740af13a-ed5c-40d0-b0c1-8d3fd2b92f56 1175­5334 5019783 Atheta annexa Casey, 1910a ( Figs. 50–55 , 78– 82 in Klimaszewski & Peck 1986 ) Atheta ( s. str. ) annexa Casey, 1910a: 43 . Atheta ( s. str. ) citata Casey, 1910a: 41 , syn. nov. Atheta ( s. str. ) evecta Casey, 1910a: 44 , syn. nov. Atheta ( s. str. ) propitia Casey, 1911a: 99 , syn. nov. Atheta ( s. str. ) palpator Casey, 1911a: 99 , syn. nov. Atheta ( s. str. ) burra Casey, 1911a: 100 , syn. nov. Atheta ( s. str. ) nacta Casey, 1911a: 101 , syn. nov. Atheta ( s. str. ) annexa : Fenyes, 1920: 214 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) citata : Fenyes, 1920: 214 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) evecta : Fenyes, 1920: 214 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) propitia : Fenyes, 1920: 215 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) palpator : Fenyes, 1920: 215 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) burra : Fenyes, 1920: 215 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) nacta : Fenyes, 1920: 215 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) annexa : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 638 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) citata : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 640 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) evecta : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 642 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) propitia : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 649 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) palpator : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 648 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) burra : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 639 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) nacta : Bernhauer & Scheerpeltz, 1926: 646 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) annexa : Moore & Legner, 1975: 354 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) citata : Moore & Legner, 1975: 357 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) evecta : Moore & Legner, 1975: 360 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) propitia : Moore & Legner, 1975: 371 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) palpator : Moore & Legner, 1975: 369 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) burra : Moore & Legner, 1975: 356 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) nacta : Moore & Legner, 1975: 366 (as valid species). Xenota annexa : Seevers, 1978: 267 (as valid species). Xenota citata : Seevers, 1978: 268 (as valid species). Xenota evecta : Seevers, 1978: 268 (as valid species). Xenota propitia : Seevers, 1978: 269 (as valid species). Xenota palpator : Seevers, 1978: 269 (as valid species). Xenota burra : Seevers, 1978: 268 (as valid species). Xenota nacta : Seevers, 1978: 268 (as valid species). Atheta ( s. str. ) annexa : Klimaszewski & Peck, 1986: 74 (as valid species). Type material. Lectotype of Atheta annexa (designated by Klimaszewski & Peck (1986)) : UNITED STATES : North Carolina : Buncombe Co. : , Asheville ( NMNH ). Lectotype of Atheta citata (here designated): , “N.[ew] Y.[ork, Catskill Mts.]”, “ Atheta citata Csy. ”, “TYPE USNM 39275” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Lectotype of Atheta evecta (here designated): , “Miss[issippi, Vicksburg]”, “ Atheta evecta Csy. ”, “TYPE USNM 39286” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Paralectotype : , “Vic.[ksburg] Miss[issippi]”, “ evecta ­2 PARATYPE USNM 39286” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Lectotype of Atheta propitia (here designated): , “·N.[orth] C.[arolina, Asheville]”, “ propitia Csy. ”, “TYPE USNM 39239” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Lectotype of Atheta palpator (here designated): , “Cin.[cinnati] O.[hio (Dury)]”, “ palpator Csy. ”, “TYPE USNM 39240” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Lectotype of Atheta burra (here designated): , “Bayfld [Bayfield], Wis[consin] Wickham.”, “ burra Csy. ”, “TYPE USNM 39241” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Lectotype of Atheta nacta (here designated): , “Mo. [ Missoury , St. Louis ]”, “ Fungus ”, “ nacta Csy. ”, “TYPE USNM 39242” (red label), “CASEY bequest 1925” ( NMNH ). Additional material. UNITED STATES : Illinois : Carroll Co. : , Raccoon Den Cave , 27.v.1992 (S. Taylor , J.Krejca & G.Gardner ) ( SPSU ) ; Union Co. : , Apis Annex [Cave], 8.v.1992 ( S.Taylor & J.Krejca ) ( SPSU ) ; Kansas : Douglas Co. : 2♀♀ , 18 km SSE Lawrence , Breidenthal Preserve , 38º48.50'N 95º11.52'W , 250 m , on mushrooms, 23.v.2000 ( V.I.Gusarov ) ; 5 specimens , ditto but on rotting fruits of Asimina triloba , 1.x.2000 ; Jefferson Co. : , 12 km NNE Lawrence , 39º04.57'N 95º11.88'W , 250 m , in hay, ( V.I.Gusarov ) ( SPSU ) ; Louisiana : Natchitoches Par. : , 1.5 mi. N Readhimer , 32º08'N 92º59'W , Geomys breviceps burrow, baited (gopher feces and malt extract) pitfall , 16.i–4.ii.2000 ( P.Kovarik , A.Tishechkin , R.Turnbow ) ( SPSU ) ; 3 specimens , ditto but 4.ii– 1.iii.2000 ( LSAM ) ; Winn Par. : , , 2 mi. SE St. Maurice , 31º44'N 92º56'W , Geomys bursarius burrow, baited (malt and gopher feces) pitfall , 4.ii–1.iii.2000 ( P.Kovarik , A.Tishechkin , R.Turnbow ) ( LSAM , SPSU ) ; CANADA : Québec : , Parc de la Gatineau , 11 km E Chelsea , Champlain , 26.ix.1998 ( V.I.Gusarov ) ( SPSU ) . Diagnosis. See Klimaszewski & Peck 1986 . Discussion. Klimaszewski and Peck (1986) designated the lectotype of Atheta annexa but did not attach the lectotype label to the Casey type. In the Casey collection there is only one type of At. annexa . Apparently this is the type that was examined and designated as the lectotype by Klimaszewski and Peck. I attached the lectotype label to the specimen. Klimaszewski and Peck (1986) stated that At. annexa is practically indistinguishable from At. cephalina Casey, 1910a and At. lymphatica Casey, 1911a . My examination of the types did not confirm that opinion. Atheta cephalina is conspecific with At. klagesi Bernhauer, 1909 , while At. lymphatica differs from At. annexa in details of its microsculpture and its body color. Distribution. Atheta annexa is widespread in the eastern United States ( New York , Virginia , West Virginia , Kentucky , Tennessee , North Carolina , Georgia , Florida , Alabama , Mississippi , Louisiana , Missoury , Kansas , Iowa , Illinois , Wisconsin , Indiana and Ohio (see Klimaszewski & Peck 1986 )) and is also known from Canada ( Québec ).