Synopsis of the Bolivian species of MIMASYNGENES Breuning, 1950 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Desmiphorini) with two new species
Clarke, Robin O. S.
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia
São Paulo
journal article
Mimasyngenes multisetosus
new species
Fig. 2
General colour shining dark chestnut, with reduced microsculpture and without metallic reflection, femora slightly rufous at base. Antennae black. General pubescence, long and of
two types
: 1. semirecumbent, ashy hairs clothing most of dorsad and ventral surfaces, disorderly on frons, dense at sides of prothorax, on elytra arranged in distinct rows, sparser and shorter on antennae, tibiae and tarsi, and, 2. erect, white hairs at sides of elytra, centre of prosternum, metasternum, notably dense and semi-erect at base of urosternites III-V, and very long on legs. Dorsad, legs and antennae with long, chestnut setae, longest on antennomeres III and IV, at sides of elytra and femora; elytral setae finer and denser than related species of the genus; ratio of longest setae to scape 5:6. General puncturation dense, deep, and large, especially on frons, vertex, pronotum, elytra, and sides of metasternum; metepisterna, antennae, urosternites and legs punctato-reticulate, finest on femora; only mentum and gula smooth and glabrous.
Head below inferior lobes slightly tumescent, moderately tumescent behind lobes; eyes small, slightly convex, almost divided, interlobal connection reduced to a narrow line of six individual ommatidia; superior lobes with 5-6 ommatidia/row, relatively narrow and separated by more than twice their own width. Antenna relatively slender, reaching apex of elytra at apex of antennomere X; scape (
0,65 mm
) slightly widening to apex; antennomeres III (
1,1 mm
) and IV (
1,05 mm
) very long and slender, and equal in length to protibia; V-X (0,4-
0,25 mm
) gradually reducing in length, XI (
0,30 mm
) fusiform.
Prothorax almost quadrate, slightly wider than long, front and basal margins subequal; sides from tubercle to anterior margin slightly emarginate and convergent, from tubercle to hind margin straight and convergent; lateral tubercle and its very short, blunt tooth almost completely hidden by dense pubescence; tubercle occupying middle third of side. Pronotum closely and heavily punctured, interstices shining, not reticulate; partially covered by long, untidy, recumbent pubescence directed towards centre line.
Elytra subparallel, slightly wider behind middle, somewhat flattened for basal half, with broad, raised area around scutellum; surface smooth and shining, without microsculpture; with nine conspicuous rows of brownish pubescence formed by numerous conical groups of long, semi-erect hair (like stooked sheaves of drying grain); and with nine rows of large punctures, outermost rows forming one broad band of semialveolate punctures, innermost rows traceable to apex. Elytral setae on disc about 12/mm of row, and every puncture is setose (the resulting density twice that of other species of the genus in which the setose punctures are situated within the rows of pubescence).
Profemora enlarged, mesofemora not so enlarged, metafemora not enlarged, peduncles short, metafemora without apical patch; metatibia long (
1,15 mm
) and slender, not enlarged, slightly curved dorso-ventrally, with dense layer of black spines laterally, but lacking specialised patches of pubescence; metatarsus (
0,75 mm
) 1/3 shorter than metatibia.
Urosternites with slightly paler pubescence, especially long and thick on III-V;
slightly longer than IV, feebly convex, apex broadly emarginate.
Sexual dimorphism:
Female: superior lobes narrower and separated by almost three times their own width; antenna shorter, reaching basal margin of urosternite
; scape (
0,6 mm
) shorter than antennomere III (
0,8 mm
) which is equal to IV, V-XI (0,30-
0,20 mm
) unusually short, and gradually decreasing; femora distinctly narrower; urosternites (rubbed?) with short, disperse pubescence, only longer and denser at sides;
as long as III+IV, feebly convex, black, glabrous at centre, slightly declivous at middle of apex, apical margin feebly emarginate.
Underside may be paler chestnut¸ superior lobes in
one male
with 4-6 ommatidia/row, and interlobal connection with four individual ommatidia.
Measurements (mm):
2 males
1 female
respectively: total length 4,9-5,1/4,7; width of pronotum 1,3/1,2; length of pronotum 1,0-1,1/1,0; length of elytra 3,4-3,5/3,4; width at humeri 1,6-1,7/1,6.
, c.
600 m
“Las Tres Marias”,
“Los Monos”,
6 km
W Villamontes
P. Koch
col., beaten from dry stick tangles
with same data as holotype
1 male
1 female
Group 2 species. Readily separated from both
M. venezuelensis
M. ytu
by the dense pubescence on the pronotum, especially at sides where it hides the lateral tubercle and its very short tooth.
M. multisetosus
is the only species of the genus in which the interlobal connection is reduced to a line of 4-6 single ommatidia.
Latin, multus = many, seta = bristle, with many bristles or setae, as on the elytra of this species.