Type specimens of birds in the Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, Norway Author Johannessen, Lars Erik Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, PO Box 1172 Blindern, NO- 0318 Oslo, Norway Author Lifjeld, Jan T. 0000-0002-9172-9985 Natural History Museum, University of Oslo, PO Box 1172 Blindern, NO- 0318 Oslo, Norway & j. t. lifjeld @ nhm. uio. no; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9172 - 9985 j.t.lifjeld@nhm.uio.no text Zootaxa 2022 2022-06-09 5150 4 451 486 journal article 69152 10.11646/zootaxa.5150.4.1 9f4f4dd6-92eb-4946-b5a4-2fe994807894 1175-5326 6626759 7A36C3D5-765A-43E8-BA3F-68C51253B3A0 Ptilopus flavovirescens Meyer, AB, 1884 Sitzungsberichte und Abhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden, Abhandlungen 1884: 50. Current name: Ptilinopus regina xanthogaster ( Wagler, 1827 ) Syntype NHMO-BI-59271 [I016967]; Study skin; Johann Gerard Friedrich Riedel , 1881–1883; Indonesia : Timorlaut [Tanimbar Islands]; 7.500° S 131.500° E ; (10a). Remarks: This specimen is labelled as ‘Typus’ both in the accompanying letter from Meyer and on the label ( Figure 3a ), which seems to be in the same handwriting as the letter and therefore most likely written by Meyer. In the original description, Meyer (1884) stated that he based his description on a large series of specimens ( ‘grossen Serie’ ); Eck & Quaisser (2004) specified the number of syntypes in this series more precisely as 16, which also corresponds with the contiguous series of specimens recorded in the MTD catalogue (C7114–C7129; Table 2 ). In addition to the six specimens for which current location is accounted for in Table 2 , there are also three in NHMW (NMW 48.234 –48.236 ; Pelzeln & Lorenz 1888 ; Schifter 1990 ; Schifter et al. 2007 ; Hans-Martin Berg, pers. comm.), but it is not known which numbers from the Dresden collection these correspond to. These three, and the NHMO specimen, must however be assumed to be among the 10 syntypes without known current location. While no collection date was provided for the NHMO specimen, we have based the interval given for collection date (1881–1883) on information available in Meyer (1881) and Meyer (1884) . In the former, presented in Wien on 7 December 1881 , Meyer listed specimens of birds received from Riedel, collected by him during a round trip of the eastern Malay Archipelago in 1880. The only species included from the Tanimbar Islands were Carpophaga concinna Wallace, 1865 (currently Ducula concinna ( Wallace, 1865 ) ; from both Tenimber and Cera) and Eclectus riedeli (currently Eclectus roratus riedeli Meyer, AB, 1882 ; only from Cera). As no Ptilopus flavovirescens specimens were included in this shipment, it can probably be assumed that he did not collect this species during the 1880 trip. We have therefore concluded that the Ptilopus flavovirescens specimens most likely have been collected at the earliest in 1881, and, as the paper in which the taxon was described is dated March 1884 , they were probably collected no later than 1883. This also corresponds well with information provided by Büttikofer (1886) , describing a collection of 35 bird skins, including Ptilopus flavovirescens , presented to the Leyden Museum by Riedel, collected by his hunters on ‘Timor-Laut ’ in 1882. TABLE 2. Catalogue numbers from the MTD/SNSD catalogues of all 16 specimens in the type series of Ptilopus flavovirescens . Current locations and catalogue numbers are included for specimens for which this is known. Dresden catalogue numbers are not known for the three NHMW specimens or the NHMO specimen.
Current Mount Current location Cat. no. References b,c Comments
cat. no.a cat. no.a current location
C7114 13442 ?
C7115 SNSD C7115 1
C7116 ?
C7117 13177 SNSD C7117 1
C7118 13440 ?
C7119 ?
C7120 13859 SNSD C7120 1
C7121 SNSD C7121 1
C7122 MNHN ZO-MO-1890-293 (N.C. 172 B) 2, 3 Exchanged to MNHN 3 June 1890
C7123 ?
C7124 ?
C7125 13846 ?
C7126 13847 SNSD C7126 1
C7127 ?
C7128 13441 ?
C7129 13442 ?
? NHMW NMW 48.234 (1884.V.47) 4, 5, 6
? NHMW NMW 48.235 (1884.V.47) 4, 5, 6
? NHMW NMW 48.236 (1884.V.47) 4, 5, 6
? NHMO BI-59271 (I016967) 7
a : See Format section of main text for details about different catalogue numbers. b : All MTD/SNSD data provided by Martin Päckert (pers. comm.) c : 1. Eck & Quaisser (2004) ; 2. Patrick Bousses, pers. comm.; 3. Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle Paris (France) (2020c); 4. Pelzeln & Lorenz (1888) ; 5. Schifter et al. (2007) ; 6: Hans-Martin Berg, pers. comm.; 7. Current publication. FIGURE 3. Labels of type specimens (maintained and refuted) in the NHMO Bird Collection described by A.B. Meyer. a) Ptilopus flavovirescens NHMO-BI-59271 (original Dresden label); b) Ptilopus flavovirescens NHMO-BI-59271 (NHMO label); c) Eclectus riedeli NHMO-BI-64131 (original Dresden label); d) Eclectus riedeli NHMO-BI-64132 (original Dresden label); e) Geoffroyus timorlaoënsis NHMO-BI-64130 (original Dresden label); f) Geoffroyus timorlaoënsis NHMO-BI-64228 (original Dresden label); g) Artamus Musschenbroeki NHMO-BI-68621 (original Dresden label). In addition to the assumed original label mentioned above, there is also a label that has been added at the NHMO ( Figure 3b ), probably shortly after accessioning into the collection.