A preliminary catalogue of the Hymenoptera (Insecta) of the Republic of Djibouti Author Madl, Michael text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2018 2018-12-17 50 2 907 967 journal article 22470 10.5281/zenodo.3776452 a6105493-16c0-4533-a6e2-7ebe3330950d 0253-116X 3776452 Chrysis communis W ALKER, 1871 Chrysis communis n.sp. : WALKER 1871a: 8 (descr. , Tadjoura ). Chrysis communis WALKER, 1871 : INNES BEY 1911: 109 (without locality, cat. Lord Collection). Chrysis ( Tetrachrysis ) communis WALKER, 1871 : MOCSÁRY 1889: 370 (tax., original descr., world cat.). Chrysis communis WALKER, 1871 : MADL & ROSA 2012: 27 (tax., cat. Afr. reg.). D i s t r i b u t i o n: Tadjoura . Chrysis communis is also known from the Palaearctic Region ( Egypt , Israel ). The record from Djibouti is not mentioned in DE DALLA TORRE (1892: 52) , BISCHOFF (1913: 49) and KIMSEY & BOHART (1990: 398). Chrysis communis is as a possible synonym of Chrysis laetabilis DU BUYSSON, 1887 ( BISCHOFF 1913: 54 ).