Taxonomic revision of the Australian predaceous water beetle genus Carabhydrus Watts, 1978 (Col. Dytiscidae, Hydroporinae, Hydroporini)
Hendrich, Lars
Zoologische Staatssammlung, Münchhausenstrasse 21, D- 81247 München, Germany. E-mail: hendrich 1 @ aol. com
Watts, Chris H. S.
South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, South Australia 5000, Australia. E-mail: watts. chris @ saugov. sa. gov. au
journal article
Key to Species of
1. Species smaller than
2 mm
, median lobe in ventral aspect strongly tapered at apex (
Fig. 26
); NE QLD ..................... ................................................................................................................................................................
1'. Species longer than
2 mm
............................................................................................................................................. 2
2. Elytron more or less uniformly pale testaceous to reddish black to black, without basal or subbasal spots............... 6
2'. Elytron black or brown except a large reddish subbasal spot and on some specimens also the apex .......................... 3
3. Species larger than
3 mm
. Largest species of the genus (
3.1–3.6 mm
), pronotum more parallel sided (
Fig. 2
) and at base broader than head, with three deep longitudinal depressions on elytra, first mesotarsal segment in male formed like a triangular hook (
Fig. 15
); N NSW, S VIC....................................................................................
3'. Species smaller than
3 mm
, first mesotarsal segment in all known males without a triangular hook.......................... 4
4. Body flattened, more rounded, elytral grooves well defined and very deep, elytral spots less defined (
Fig. 5
), in female half of elytra covered by a fine microreticulation, male unknown; N NSW
C. turaki
4'. Body more convex, elytral grooves less defined, elytral spots well defined (
Figs 1, 3
), in female only apex of elytra covered with fine microreticulation .............................................................................................................................. 5
5. Pronotum black (
Fig. 1
), aedeagus in ventral view with apex of each apical lobe sharply pointed and finger-like (
Fig. 10
); VIC, NSW, ACT ..................................................................................................................................
C. andreas
5'. Pronotum reddish, only base of pronotum black (
Fig. 3
), male mesotibia with a well developed subapical tooth on inner edge, aedeagus in ventral view with apical lobes blunt and broadly rounded (
Fig. 24
); S QLD, N NSW ..........
C. plicatus
6. Dorsal side pale testaceous or brown, eyes about half normal size or absent .............................................................. 7
6' Dorsal side blackish-brown or black, eyes normal ..................................................................................................... 8
7. Eyes present, ventral side pale to dark brown (
Fig. 8
), pronotum narrower than elytra in middle, basal part of median lobe with sclerotized, broad and shell-like coverage (
Figs 16, 17
), S NSW ................................
7'. Eyes absent, pale testaceous (
Fig. 6
), pronotum broader than elytra in middle, male unknown, stygobitic species; NSW
C. stephanieae
8. Aedeagus in ventral aspect (
Fig. 22
) with a deep, broad, subapical notch on each side delimiting a broad, apically bilobed apex; VIC, NSW, TAS
C. niger
8'. Aedeagus in ventral aspect (
Fig. 20
) with a narrow subapical notch on each side, apex subtriangular and not broadly rounded ......................................................................................................................................................................... 9
9. Elytron with mesal groove extending almost to apex; pronotum with lateral margin more or less evenly rounded except for short sinuation before posterolateral angle; aedeagus in lateral aspect lacking ventromedial projections (
Fig. 21
C. mubboonus
9'. Elytron with mesal groove shallow in apical third and discontinuous before apex; pronotum narrow, sides sinuate basally and more or less straight and parallel before posterolateral angles; aedeagus in lateral aspect (
Fig. 19
) with a pair of ventromedial projections; N NSW
C. monteithi