A review of fungus gnats in the tribe Exechiini (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from the J. W. Zetterstedt collection at the Museum of Zoology in Lund, Sweden Author Kjaerandsen, Jostein text Zootaxa 2005 856 1 35 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.170744 02642089-f320-4b80-9a10-5558b00543c9 1175­5326 170744 Brevicornu griseolum ( Zetterstedt, 1852 ) sensu auct. Mycetophila griseola Zetterstedt, 1852 : 4225 Brachycampta borealis Lundström, 1914: 17 , figs 14 & 15 syn. n. Mycetophila griseola ; Edwards 1924 : 164 nec Allodia griseola ; Edwards 1924 : 168 nec Allodia griseola ; Edwards 1925 : 608 nec Allodia karpathica Landrock, 1928: 240 nec Brevicornu griseolum ; Zaitzev 1986: 171, fig. 53(1) nec Brevicornu griseolum ; Zaitzev 2003 : 132 , figs 16(7–8) Material. Lectotype ( Fig. 5 A–D) male [SPM­005160, mounted on slide] plus para­ lectotype female ( Fig. 5 E) [SPM­005161, mounted on slide] on same pin [with light green tag, labelled: M. griseola Zett. ď Ψ. 16 Jul. Skalstug] – Sweden : JÄ, Skalstugan, 16. July 1840 . Paralectotype male [SPM­005254] plus paralectotype female [SPM­ 005255] on same pin [with light green tag, labelled: Sp. XXX. ďΨ. Skalstugan, and on a second label: Skalst. 16 jul. ] – Sweden : JÄ, Skalstugan, 16. July 1840 . Additional material studied . Syntype of B. borealis [MZHF­1032, pinned, with cleared abdomen in glycerine vial], original labels: printed label “Ponoj”; printed label “R. Frey”; small quadratic pink label with number “5009”; handwritten label in blue ink “10.2”; pale green label “Mus. Zool. H:fors Spec. typ. No 4317. Brachycampta borealis Lun. ” [Mus. Zool Helsinki Loan Nr. D04­1268] – Finland : Lp, Pinoj, Gavrilovo, 15. – 16. July 1913 , leg. R. Frey. As noted by Zetterstedt (1852, 4225) the male and female of the couples were taken in copula, and thus the females should be safely associated with the male. Edwards (1924) misinterpreted this species as Allodia griseicollis (Meig.) sensu Lundström (1909) nec Staeger (1840) , and suggested to use Zetterstedt's name for it. While the intention presumably was to avoid mixing with B. griseicolle (Staeger, 1940) this rather led to a mixing of B. griseolum with B. canescens where the first name has later been widely used for the latter species. Further, this species is a senior synonym of Brevicornu boreale (Lundström, 1914) [ type specimen has been studied, compared with the lectotype of B. griseolum and found to be conspecific].