A revision of Discodon tricolor (Guérin-Méneville) and its mimics from the Atlantic forests of Brazil (Coleoptera: Cantharidae) Author Biffi, Gabriel 1F5A526D-13F0-4A33-AA33-D9B7497E5689 Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Av. Nazaré, 481 - Ipiranga, 04263 - 000, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. biffigabriel@gmail.com Author Geiser, Michael 87D6F91C-542C-45D4-8E5F-9B02CAA86424 Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, SW 7 5 BD, London, United Kingdom. m.geiser@nhm.ac.uk text European Journal of Taxonomy 2022 2022-08-23 834 1 148 189 http://zoobank.org/c2df7ac2-3d99-43ff-bb36-cef8e8747160 journal article 128209 10.5852/ejt.2022.834.1907 4f68488a-f211-42a1-9d8f-bf3d815946e0 2118-9773 7017677 C2DF7AC2-3D99-43FF-BB36-CEF8E8747160 Discodon aurimaculatum sp. nov. urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 0D454F22-6E27-402C-ADDB-36D5483D57FB Figs 3D , 6F, Q , 7F , 8F , 9F , 10F , 12D–F , 15F Diagnosis Differs from all the other species by the elytra with the weakly defined longitudinal roughness and dark yellow spots ( Fig. 3D ), the shape of the aedeagus ( Fig. 12D–F ) and the last ventrite (VII) of the females ( Fig. 15F ). Etymology The specific epithet aurimaculatum refers to the dark yellowish to golden rounded elytral spots. Type material Holotype BRAZIL ; Pindamonhangaba , Eugênio Lefèvre ; 1200 m a.s.l. ; 21 Dec. 1962 ; Exp. Dep. Zool. leg.; MZSP 46447 ( Fig. 3D ). Paratypes (12 specimens) BRAZIL2 ♀♀ ; Rio de Janeiro , Itatiaia ; 1100 m a.s.l. ; Feb. 1963 ; MZSP 46448 , 46449 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for preceding; Jan. 1968 ; MZSP 46450 , 46451 1 ♂ ; same collection data as for preceding; 1300 m a.s.l. ; Nov. 1950 ; NHMB 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for preceding, Véu da Noiva , córrego Maromba ; 22º26′10″ S , 44º37′28″ W ; 1100 m a.s.l. ; 2–3 Feb. 1997 ; Kury , Rocha and Mestre leg.; MZSP 46452 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; MZSP 46453 , 46454 , 46457 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; DZUP 320983 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; CEMT CUIABA 00118356 1 ♀ ; same collection data as for holotype; 24 Jan. 1963 ; MZSP 45593 . Description Body length: 11.7–13.0 mm. Coloration ( Fig. 3D ): head pitch black, lustrous, except in lateral corners of clypeus, light brown; mandibles light brown, darker at tip; maxillary and labial palpi black, light brown at apex of last palpomeres; antennae entirely black. Pronotum ( Figs 7F , 8F ) lustrous, partly translucent, with broad irregular black band from anterior to posterior margin, wider anteriorly and near posterior margin, and narrower near anterior half; no lateral dark bands or patches; background pale yellow to light orange with barely defined orange regions. Scutellum and elytra pitch black; at mid-length of each elytron, pale-yellow round spot meeting lateral borders but not meeting at suture. Thorax, legs and abdomen dark brown to black, tarsal claws brown. Male ( Fig. 3D ) Head short, nearly as long as wide, excluding eyes; integument smooth, densely covered with short and fine yellow setae; frons short, vertex flat, occipital region convex, broadly rounded behind eyes. Clypeus flat, anterior margin emarginate, slightly projected anteriorly with shallow median incision. Eyes small, rounded, prominent. Mandibles falciform, acute, without accessory teeth. Last maxillary and labial palpomeres securiform.Antennae ( Fig. 6F ) long, slightly flattened dorsoventrally; antennomeres slightly narrowing anteriorly, sub-serrate; antennomeres without longitudinal lines dorsally. Pronotum ( Fig. 7F ) wide, about 1.4 times as wide as long; anterior margin slightly arched, anterior angles arched; lateral margins slightly sinuate, with deep notch at posterior third; integument smooth, densely covered with very fine yellow setae. Elytra long, each elytron 4.8 times as long as wide, almost parallel; weakly defined longitudinal roughness, like costae, more visible anteriorly; integument coriaceous, densely covered with short and fine decumbent setae, and much longer thick erect setae. Legs slender, densely pubescent, covered with long and thick setae; tarsi flattened dorsoventrally, fourth tarsomere with transversal slit at base; anterior prothoracic tarsal claws ( Fig. 9F ) broadly lobed basally, lobe with rounded margin; posterior claws on meso- and metathoracic tarsal claws apparently split at apex, with fine protruding tooth slightly shorter than claws. Abdomen weakly sclerotised, coriaceous, densely covered with long setae; ventrite VI slightly notched at posterior margin; ventrite VII ( Fig. 10F ) with broad lobes, internal margins arched externally, apical margin broadly rounded. Aedeagus ( Fig. 12D–F ): ventral wall of tegmen elongate, apical margins convergent, forming a pair of parallel lateral projections with rounded apices and a short central projection, strongly curved ventrally and with acute hook-like apex; fringe of long setae along lateral margins of tegmen dorsally; parameres very short, hidden between tegmen and median lobe; median lobe long, membranous, with a pair of strong sclerites, each with double acute apices; sides of median lobe with tuft of thick spine-like setae. Fig. 6. Right antennae, dorsal view. A–K . Males. L–U . Females. A, L . Discodon tricolor (GuérinMéneville, 1832) . B, M . Discodon neoteutonum sp. nov. C, N . Discodon vanini sp. nov. D, O . Discodon obscurior Pic, 1906 stat. nov. E, P . Discodon lineaticorne sp. nov. F, Q . Discodon aurimaculatum sp. nov. G, R . Discodon marginicolle sp. nov. H, S . Discodon tenuecostatum sp. nov. I, T . Discodon tamoio sp. nov. J, U . Discodon viridimontanum sp. nov. K . Discodon crassipes Wittmer, 1952 . Scale bars = 1.0 mm. Female Similar to male; antennae ( Fig. 6Q ) shorter; pronotum ( Fig. 8F ) wider, 1.6 times as wide as long, lateral margins without notches; tarsal claws without basal lobe or apical slit; ventrite VI not notched, distal margin slightly arched, concave; ventrite VII ( Fig. 15F ) broad, lateral and distal margins broadly arched, distal margin with two short acute apical lobes projecting posteriorly at middle and V-shaped medial notch. Distribution Brazil ( Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states) ( Fig. 16 ).