Two new species of Cystodermella and new combinations in Ripartitella (Agaricineae, incertae sedis) and Cystolepiota (Verrucosporaceae) Author Saar, Irja Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, J. Liivi Street 2, 50409 Tartu, Estonia Author Cooper, Jerry A. Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research, 54 Gerald Street, Lincoln 7608, New Zealand Author Trudell, Steven A. Herbarium, Burke Museum, Box 355325, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 - 5325 text Phytotaxa 2024 2024-07-02 658 1 81 98 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.658.1.3 1179-3163 13217459 Ripartitella vinosa (G. Stevenson) J.A. Cooper & I. Saar comb. nov. ( Figs. 6A–F ) MycoBank: MB 853107 Basionym: Tricholomopsis vinosa G. Stevenson, Kew Bulletin 19(1): 7. 1964 . Synonym: Melanoleuca vinosa (G. Stevenson) E. Horak (1971:459) . Holotype :— NEW ZEALAND . Wellington : Waikanae , on fallen wood in mixed forest, 1 January 1951 , G . Stevenson 795 ( K ( M )193521!; ITS sequence: GenBank/ UNITE : PP575900 / UDB07675266 ; MycoBank MB 10019174 ). Illustration:— Stevenson (1964: 10 , figure 1/ 14; 49, plate 3/ 2). Description:— Pileus 20–60 mm broad, convex to plano-convex, dry, conspicuously granulose, reddish brown (8 E 8 to 9 E 8). Lamellae sinuate, close, whitish, edge entire; intervenose. Stipe 20 × 3–6 mm , equal, dry, silky striate at top, with evanescent floccose-scaly ring zone, below coarsely floccose-scaly, concolorous with pileus. Context white. Taste indistinctive. Smell indistinctive. Spore deposit white. FIGURE 6. Ripartitella vinosa . A–B. PDD112507. C–F. PDD112791. Bar = 1 cm. Photos by: Jerry A. Cooper. Basidiospores (82 spores, four basidiomata, four collections) 4.2–5.7 × 3.1–4.6 µm, av. 4.8–5.0 × 3.6–3.9 µm, Q = 1.1–1.6, Q av. = 1.3–1.4, subglobose, broadly ellipsoid to ellipsoid, minutely echinulate, hyaline, inamyloid, metachromatic, cyanophilous. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia scattered, fusiform, apically encrusted with crystals, 30–35 × 5–6 × 2.5 µm (see Horak 1971: 460 , fig 27/ 344; Stevenson 1964: 10 , fig 1/ 14). Additional specimens studied:— NEW ZEALAND . Gisborne , Urewera National Park , Tawa track, rainforest, Dacrydium cupressinum , on rotten log, 21 April 2000 , E . & A . Horak ( PDD71285 ) ; Nelson , Totaranui , Coast track, 40.826°S , 173.00°E , Nothofagus , on log, 16 May 2014 , P . Leonard JAC13451 ( PDD105703 ) ; Northland , Waipoua , on moss/ wood, 11 May 2017 , R . Swenie ( PDD111179 ) ; Rangitikei , Totara Reserve, Pohangina Valley , 40.148°S , 175.842°E , G . Smith JAC15357 ( PDD112507 ) ; Rangitikei , Totara Reserve, Pohangina Valley , 40.148°S , 175.842°E , G . Smith JAC15642 ( PDD112791 ) .