A Relimitation And Revision Of The Australasian Ground Spider Family Lamponidae (Araneae: Gnaphosoidea) Author PLATNICK, NORMAN I. text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2000 2000-01-27 2000 245 1 328 http://www.bioone.org/doi/abs/10.1206/0003-0090%282000%29245%3C0001%3AARAROT%3E2.0.CO%3B2 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2000)245<0001:ARAROT>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5348675 Pseudolampona taroom , new species Figures 766–769 ; Map 87 TYPE: Male holotype taken in a pitfall trap at Boggomoss , Taroom District , 258259S, 1508019E, Queensland ( Sept. 9–Nov. 11, 1996 ; P. Lawless ), deposited in QMB ( S34317 ) . Figs. 766–769. Pseudolampona taroom , new species . 766. Left male palp, ventral view. 767. Same, retrolateral view. 768. Epigynum, ventral view. 769. Same, dorsal view. ETYMOLOGY: The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. DIAGNOSIS: Males can be recognized by the distally folded embolus (fig. 766), females by the absence of lateral epigynal margins and the enlarged lobes that separate the spermathecae (fig. 768). MALE: Total length 2.5. Coloration as in P. warrandyte . Retrolateral tibial apophysis relatively long, slightly expanded at about half its length (fig. 767); embolus narrow, folded at about half its length (fig. 766). FEMALE: Total length 3.1. Coloration as in P. warrandyte . Lateral epigynal margins absent, lateral pockets small, often difficult to see (fig. 768); spermathecae separated by enlarged, medially directed lobes (fig. 769). VARIATION: The two females from New South Wales have relatively short spermathecae, and it is possible that they could prove to represent a different species. OTHER MATERIAL EXAMINED: New South Wales : 700 m E Arrinya Road on logging road 900 m from Burns Road junction, Kan­ garoo River State Forest , 308049S, 1528529E, Feb. 4–Apr. 9, 1993 , pitfall (M. Gray , G. Cassis , AMS KS39568 ), 1 /; junction of Range Road and Lockleys Road , Doubleduke State Forest , 298149S, 1538119E, Feb. 4–Apr. 9, 1993 , pitfall (M. Gray , G. Cassis , AMS KS39567 ), 1/. Queensland : Bahr’s Scrub , 278449S, 1538109E, Apr. 30, 1980 , dry litter (R. Raven , QMB S34312 ), 1 /; Beerwah Forestry Reserve , 268519S, 1528579E, Nov. 21, 1990 , pitfall , heath (M. Glover , QMB S32336 ), 1?, Aug. 25, 1991 , pitfall , heath (M. Glover , QMB S32328 , 32329 ), 1?, 1 /; Braemar State Forest , 278139S, 1508509E, Oct. 15–19, 1979 , cypress, brigalow litter (R. Raven , QMB S26911 , 28115 ), 1?, 1 /; Ewan Maddock Dam , 268489S, 1528599E, Oct. 27, 1992 Jan. 30, 1993 , pitfalls , open forest (M. Glover , QMB S32397 ), 3?, Aug. 22, 1993 Mar. 22, 1994 , pitfalls , open forest (M. Glover , QMB S28702 , 28715 , 30389 ), 7 ?; 3 mi SE Gayndah , 258389S, 1518369E, July 17, 1968 , Berlese , eucalypt litter (L. Mound , QMB ), 1 /; Isla Gorge , 8.5 km SSW lookout, 258169S, 1498569E, Dec. 19, 1997 Mar. 3, 1998 , pit­ fall, vine scrub, elev. 360 m (G. Monteith , D. Cook , QMB S44205), 1 ?; Keysland , 268129S, 1518449E, Sept. 29–Dec. 5, 1994 , intercept trap , open forest (G. Monteith , QMB S32466 ), 2 /; Lake Broadwater , via Dalby , 278219S, 1518069E, May 16–Nov. 23, 1985 , pitfall ( QMB S28589 ), 1?, Jan. 3–Feb. 25, 1986 , pitfall (M. Bennie , QMB S28585 ), 1?, Feb. 22, 1986 , Berlese , brigalow, sieved litter, ( G. Monteith , V. Davies , D. Thompson , QMB S34324 ), 1 /; Nangur State Forest , 268089S, 1518589E, Oct. 24–Nov. 24, 1995 , pitfall , elevation 320 m (G. Monteith , QMB S34315 ), 1 /; North Mimosa Creek , Blackdown Tableland National Park , 238469S, 1498209E, July 8, 1991 , sieved litter, open forest ( D. Black , WAM 96 /1529), 1 /; Orchid Beach , Fraser Island , 248589S, 1538199E, Mar. 7–Oct. 1, 1996 , pitfall , heath, banksia, eucalypt (R. Raven , QMB S31269 ), 2?, 2 /; 5 km W Paluma , 198009S, 1468129E, July 12, 1971 , Berlese , rainforest ( Taylor , Feehan , QMB ), 1 ?; Rochedale State Forest , Brisbane , 278379S, 1538099E, June 12–30, 1980 , litter ( V. Davies , R. Raven , QMB S34314 , 34322 ), 2 /; 7 km N Taroom , 258369S, 1498469E, Nov. 12, 1996 Jan. 31, 1997 , pitfall , roadside, ooline scrub (P. Lawless , QMB S36681 ), 2 ?; Upper Brookfield , 278309S, 1528559E, Oct. 30, 1980 , araucarianotophyll vineforest, litter (R. Raven , V. Davies , QMB S34330 ), 1 /; Windermere , near Glenmorgan , 278179S, 1498459E, July–Sept. 1991 , open forest pitfall (R. Raven , D. Smyth , ex QMB S30361 ), 1 /. Map 87. Records of Pseudolampona taroom , new species (circles) and P. spurgeon , new species (squares). Figs. 770–773. Pseudolampona spurgeon , new species . 770. Left male palp, ventral view. 771. Same, retrolateral view. 772. Epigynum, ventral view. 773. Same, dorsal view. Figs. 774–777. Pseudolampona kroombit , new species . 774. Left male palp, ventral view. 775. Same, retrolateral view. 776. Epigynum, ventral view. 777. Same, dorsal view. DISTRIBUTION: Known only from Queensland and New South Wales (map 87).