Notes on family-group names for bees (Hymenoptera: Apoidea) Author Engel, Michael S. Division of Entomology, Natural History Museum, and Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, 1501 Crestline Drive - Suite 140, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 - 4415, USA (msengel @ ku. edu). & Division of Invertebrate Zoology, American Museum of Natural History, Central Park West text Journal of Melittology 2015 2015-03-13 2015 46 1 7 journal article 10.17161/jom.v0i46.4839 2325-4467 13145840 Subfamily Hylaeinae Sagemehl Hylaeidae Sagemehl, 1882: 463 . Type genus: Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793 . Combining stem: Hylae–. COMMENT: As noted by Michener (1999) and Engel (2005) , the name Prosopiariae Fallén, 1813 has priority over Hylaeidae , however, the family-group name based on Hylaeus has been conserved over that based on Prosopis Fabricius ( ICZN, 1993 ) .