Freshwater fishes of Syria: a revised and updated annotated checklist- 2023 Author Saad, Adib 0000-0001-6393-2836 Al Andalus University, Kadmus, Tartus, Syria / Syrian Society for Aquatic Environment Protection, Lattakia, Syria. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6393 - 2836 Author Çiçek, Erdoğan Department of Biology, Faculty of Art and Sciences, Nevþehir Hacý BektaþVeli University, Nevþehir, T ¸ rkiye. Author Esmaeili, Hamid Reza 0000-0002-9736-397X Ichthyology and Molecular Systematics Research Laboratory, Zoology Section, Department of Biology, School of Science, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9736 - 397 X Author Fricke, Ronald 0000-0003-1476-6990 Staatliches Museum f ¸ r Naturkunde in Stuttgart, Rosenstein 1, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 1476 - 6990 Author Sungur, Sevil 0000-0003-4018-6375 Health Services Vocational School, Nevþehir Hacý BektaþVeli University, Nevþehir, T ¸ rkiye. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 4018 - 6375 Author Eagderi, Soheil 0000-0001-6393-2836 Al Andalus University, Kadmus, Tartus, Syria / Syrian Society for Aquatic Environment Protection, Lattakia, Syria. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6393 - 2836 & Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1134 - 0356 * Corresponding author: erdogancicek 50 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5334 - 5737 & Al Andalus University, Kadmus, Tartus, Syria / Syrian Society for Aquatic Environment Protection, Lattakia, Syria. https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 6393 - 2836 text Zootaxa 2023 2023-09-22 5350 1 1 62 journal article 270787 10.11646/zootaxa.5350.1.1 503ff6a9-9260-469d-af97-456e103cbfae 1175-5334 23B4C9BF-A1A4-4D27-8C30-E4A23DAD01AB Acanthobrama marmid Heckel, 1843 [N]—Mesopotamian bream; Besbasi Taxonomy. Original description: Acanthobrama marmid Heckel, 1843a: 1075 [85] [Kueik River at Aleppo , Syria ; syntypes : NMW 55345-48 (2, 2, 2, 2), 79068 (2); RMNH 2537 (4) Aleppo , 2539 (2) Aleppo ; SMF 543 (4) Aleppo ].—Syrian synonyms: Acanthobrama arrhada Heckel, 1843 ; Acanthobrama cupida Heckel, 1843 .— Revisions: Goren et al. (1973: 296) .—Illustration: Heckel (1843b : pl. 9, fig. 2); Freyhof & Özulug (2014: 7 , fig.7). Status in Syria . Recorded from Syria in original description by Heckel (1843a: 1076) ; subsequently reported by Gruvel (1931) ; Goren et al. (1973) ; Saad et al. (2009) .—Syrian material: BMNH, MCZ, MNHN, NMW, RMNH, MSL. Distribution and habitat. Distribution in Syria : Euphrates, Tigris and Orontes river basins.—Distribution in River Basin: 1-Dajleh & Khabour, 2-Euphrates & Aleppo , 4-Orontes.—General distribution: Asia Minor and Middle East: Euphrates, Tigris and Orontes river basins ( Turkey , Syria , Iraq , and Iran ).—Distribution in Ecoregion: 437-Orontes, 441-Lower Tigris & Euphrates, 442-Upper Tigris & Euphrates.—Habitat: This species is very ubiquitous, inhabiting all kinds of lowland water bodies with standing or slowly flowing waters, such as larger streams, rivers, springs, marshes, reservoirs, and lakes, as well as moderately polluted water bodies. Usually absent from fast-flowing and cold mountain streams. Freshwater. Economic importance. Commercially important. Conservation. Conservation status in Syria : Unknown.—IUCN: LC ( IUCN 2023 ).—Threats: There are many threats throughout the large distribution area of this species, but none is serious enough to impact major parts of the populations.—Low sensitivity to human activities.—Not considered as a keystone species.—Decline status: Stable.—Low priority for conservation action.