Contribution to the Ichneumoninae (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) of Southeastern Asia: 2. Tribe Heresiarchini
Riedel, M.
Linzer biologische Beiträge
journal article
H o l o t y p u s (): "
: Tengchong,
35 km
SE Gongshan N
24,828 E
2200 m
, leg. Blank, Liston, Taeger" (SDEI).
D e s c r i p t i o n of: Body length
17 mm
. Flagellum strongly lanceolate, with 39 flagellomeres, first flagellomere (without anellus)2.0x as long as wide, the second one 1.9x, both flagellomeres together about 0.5x as long as the compound eyes, the eighth segment square, widest flagellomeres 2.4x as wide as long. Temple roundly narrowed behind eye, seen from lateral 0.9x as wide as eye, at lower eye margin with very scattered puncture. Distance of lateral ocelli to the eyes about 1x as long as their diameter. Frons with scattered puncture, face with coarse puncture and fine granulation, clypeus with puncture, intervals smooth. Malar space about 0.6 times as long as the width of mandibular base. Hypostomal carina not elevated.
Mesosoma with light brownish hairs. Notauli distinct at the frontal 1/5 of mesoscutum. Mesoscutum with rather dense puncture and fine granulation; mesopleurum punctured, punctures in the dorsal and apical parts smaller and denser, metapleurum with distinctly coarser puncture, coxal carina strong. Scutellum almost flat, slightly wider than long, without lateral carinae, and with scattered punctures. Propodeum rounded, area superomedia heart-shaped, slightly wider than long, smoothened centrally, anterior transverse carina obsolete, costula behind the middle. Area superoexterna punctured, area petiolaris with lateral carinae, rugulose. Coxa II with scattered puncture, coxa III densely punctured, without scopa. Femur III with scattered puncture in the lower half, about 3.7 times as long as high. Third tarsomere II about 1.3x as long as wide.
Areolet almost quadrangular, frontal distance of intercubiti about 1x their diameter, 2mcu distal to its middle. Nervulus postfurcal.
Metasoma strongly oxypygous. Lateral field of postpetiole about 0.75x as wide as median field, punctured, median field with about 9 strong striae. Gastrocoelus strongly impressed, with longitudinal ridges. Thyridium almost transverse, 1.1x as wide as the thyridial interval. Tergite 2 as long as wide. Tergites 2-3 densely punctured, strongly striate medially. Tergite 4 punctured, and with some striae basally, tergite 5 with superficial puncture, more or less shining. Seen from above ovipositor sheath about 0.7x as long as the seventh tergite.
Colour: black, apical tergites with slightly bluish shine. Ivory are stripes on flagellomeres 6-15, spot on mandibular base, labrum, wide sides of clypeus, gena except black stripe on malar space, wide facial orbits that are almost confluent below the antenna, frontal and vertical orbits confluent with outer orbit, collare and upper margin of pronotum, spot on tegula, mark on lower mesopleurum in front of epicnemium, subtegular ridge, scutel- lum except a black median line, coxae and trochanters I-II, mark on inner side of trochanter III. Legs except coxae and trochanter reddish, All tibiae more yellowish-red with cream-yellow frontal stripes or subbasal rings. tarsi I-II on front sides, and tarsus III completely yellow. Pterostigma black, wings somewhat infuscate in the apical and frontal parts.
R e m a r k: This species runs to
Coelichneumon chinicus
in his key of the Oriental
-species. It differs by its larger size, wider temple, and the structure of flagellum with shorter first flagellomere and wider apical segments. However, these differences might represent individual variations only. To solve the question of a probable synonymy, one should wait for more material together with a description of the unknown males.
D i s t r i b u t i o n: