Late Cretaceous dinosaurs from the Denver Basin, Colorado Author Kenneth Carpenter Department of Earth Sciences, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Boulevard, Denver, CO 80205, U. S. A. Author D. Bruce Young Department of Earth Sciences, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, 2001 Colorado Boulevard, Denver, CO 80205, U. S. A. text Rocky Mountain Geology 2002 37 237 254 journal article 10.2113/gsrocky.37.2.237 41bd81a8-8d16-41cb-950f-8fab1660f845 3943081 Family NODOSAURIDAE cf. Edmontonia sp . Figure 18 Material. DMNH 25915 scute (Denver Formation, Loc. 20); DMNH 39036 scute (Denver Formation, Loc. 18); DMNH 44389 tooth (Denver Formation, Loc. 20); and UCM 7572 partial basicranium (Laramie Formation, Loc. 2). Description and discussion. —The basicranium was found by the Colorado Geological Survey, although the collecting date is not known. It was briefly described and illustrated by Carpenter and Breithaupt (1986) as one of the few specimens of Maastrichtian nodosaurids. The specimen has the characteristic crescentic occipital condyle, which projects posteroventrally from a moderately long neck ( Fig. 18 ). The main body of the basicranium includes the basioccipital and a portion of the basisphenoid. The floor of the braincase is preserved, but it lacks any meaningful detail about the various cranial foramina. Both the scute and tooth more closely resemble those of the nodosaurid genus Edmontonia than those in the contemporary Ankylosaurus .