Terrestrial gastropods of Reserva Florestal Humaitá, southwestern Brazilian Amazon Author de Lima, Marcos Silva Author Silva, Fernanda dos Santos Author Simone, Luiz Ricardo Lopes Author Salvador, Rodrigo Brincalepe Author Guilherme, Edson text Check List 2021 2021-02-22 17 1 269 281 http://dx.doi.org/10.15560/17.1.269 journal article 10.15560/17.1.269 1809-127X Drymaeus expansus (L. Pfeiffer, 1848 ) Figure 5J–L Bulimus expansus Pfeiffer 1848: 60 . Figure 5. Shells from Acre state. A–C. Entondina jekylli , UFAC 1023 (H = 1.3 mm). D–F. Corona regalis , MZSP 150030 (H = 60.8 mm). G–I. Plekocheilus floccosus , UFAC 1030 (H = 72.9 mm). J–L. Drymaeus expansus , MZSP 150034 (H = 33.6 mm). M–N. Euglandina striata , MZSP 150089 (H = 19.4 mm). O–Q. Habroconus mayi , UFAC 715 (H = 3.8 mm). Material examined. Brazil Acre , Porto Acre , HFR; 09°45′13″S , 067°40′09″W ; 12.X.2018 ; M. Lima and W. Lima leg.; 1, MZSP 150033 (ex UFAC 994 ) same locality; 09°45′12″S , 067°40′09″W ; 23.IX.2018 ; M. Lima and W. Lima leg.; 1, MZSP 150034 (ex UFAC 967 ) . Identification. This species is characterized mainly by the coarse axial lines on the teleoconch and the reflected peristome which is dark purple on the inside of the shell. The present record extends the species distribution to Acre state . Type locality. Huallaga, Peru . Distribution. Panama , Colombia , Ecuador , Peru , and the Brazilian states of Amazonas and Rondônia ( Simone 2006 ; Breure and Borrero 2008 , 2019 ).