On Verhoeff’s Otostigmus subgenus Malaccopleurus, the nudus group of Otostigmus subgenus Otostigmus Porat, 1876, and Digitipes Attems, 1930, with a description of the foetus stadium larva in O. sulcipes Verhoeff, 1937, (Chilopoda: Scolopendromorpha: Scolopendridae) Author Lewis, John G. E. text Zootaxa 2015 2015-11-04 4039 2 225 248 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4039.2.2 c4019149-a7e6-4078-af48-bde5639c82e9 1175-5326 232674 90CB85A5-4380-465B-A8E9-EEF6CF02AEC5 Otostigmus ( O . ) geophilinus Haase, 1887 ( Figs 27–41 ) Otostigma geophilinum Haase, 1887: 77 Table 4 , Fig. 81 a–c. Java, Indonesia . Otostigma geophilinum : Pocock, 1891: 414 . Burma [ Myanmar ]. Otostigmus geophilinus : Kraepelin, 1903: 110 . Java; Timor. Otostigmus geophilinus : Attems, 1930b: 51 . Diagnosis. Body slender. Length up to 45 mm . Antennal articles 18, the basal three or four glabrous dorsally. Forcipular coxosternal tooth-plates with 4+4 teeth. Tergites with complete paramedian sutures from 5 or 6, marginate from between 7 and 16, with or without a weak median keel from 5(6) and weak lateral corrugations or none. Most sternites with more or less complete paramedian sutures, a median longitudinal depression and sometimes a small round posterior median depression. Sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with or without a very weak median longitudinal depression. Coxopleural process with two apical spines, rarely also one lateral. Pore-field narrow, not expanded anteriorly. Most legs with a tarsal spur. Ultimate leg prefemur, femur and tibia with or without a low longitudinal dorsal ridge demarcated by grooves and pits, prefemoral spines VL 1–3, VM 2, M 2–3, DM 2–3, CS 1 (four rows, 9–11 in toto). Type material examined. Holotype . RMNH . Reg. Nr. RMNH 102 , Otostigma geophilinum Haase, Ambarawa , Java . Description of holotype . ( Haase’s (1887) data in parentheses where appropriate). Length approximately 38 mm ( 40 mm , in shape similar to Cryptop s). (Light brown, the last 10 tergites, except tergite of ultimate leg-bearing segment, darker). Antennal articles 5[d]+9[d], the basal 4 and 5 with scattered setae dorsally, the basal 3 ventrally (no data on antennae). The posterior margin of the cephalic plate overlapped by tergite 1 ( Fig. 27 ). Forcipular coxosternal tooth-plates longer than wide with 4+4 teeth ( Fig. 28 ). Forcipular trochanteroprefemoral process with two small medial denticles. Coxosternite with a median longitudinal suture occupying its anterior 25%. Tergites (with clearly visible dorsal vessel?) with complete paramedian sutures from 6–20 marginate from 14 (17), without keels, corrugations or spines (wrinkled laterally). Tergite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with slight median posterior depression. Sternites longer than wide with more or less complete paramedian sutures in sulci from 2–17 and a median longitudinal depression from 3–13 ( Fig. 29 ), small round lateral and a small round posterior median depressions visible by reflected light from some angles. Sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with sides converging posteriorly, corners rounded, posterior margin more or less straight with a very weak median longitudinal depression (almost semi circular ... weakly impressed). Coxopleural process ( Figs 30 & 31 ) short with two apical spines, without lateral or dorsal spines. Pore-field narrow, not expanded anteriorly about five pores in width. NB some pores covered by sternite of ultimate legbearing segment. Majority of legs wanting. 1 & 2 on left without femoral, tibial or tarsal spurs, 6, 10 , 11 15, 16 and 17 on right with one tarsal spur, 7, 8, 13 14 on left with, 6 and 15 without (no data). Appears that a tarsal spur is present on most legs, at least to 18. Ultimate legs missing. Other material examined . BMNH . Otostigma geophilinum Haase, Timor, H. O . Forbes 84.79. Length 44 mm . Slender. Antennal articles 18+17[r], the basal three and median dorsal strip of article 4 glabrous dorsally (a difficult character to determine). Forcipular coxosternal tooth-plates longer than wide ( Fig. 32 ) with 4+4 teeth in two groups of two. Forcipular trochanteroprefemoral process with trace of a medial denticle. Tergites with metallic sheen and with compete paramedian sutures from 5–20, marginate from 16, weak lateral corrugations from 7, a weak median keel from 5–21. Tergite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with very weak posterior median depression. FIGURES 23–26. Otostigmus sutteri Holotype. 23 . Forcipular coxopleural tooth-plates and forcipular trochanteroprefemoral processes (after Würmli, 1972 ). 24 . Sternite (after Würmli, 1972 ). 25 . Coxopleuron and sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment (after Würmli, 1972 ). 26 . Right ultimate leg, dorsal view. FIGURES 27–31. Otostigmus geophilinus Holotype. 27 . Head and tergite 1. 28 . Forcipular coxopleural tooth-plates and right forcipular trochanteroprefemoral process. 29 . Sternite 13. 30 . Coxopleuron and sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment, ventral view. 31. Detail of right coxopleural process. Scale bars = 1 mm except Fig. 28 = 0.5 mm. FIGURES 32–41. Otostigmus geophilinus . 32 . Forcipular coxopleural tooth-plates Timor spm. 33 . Coxopleuron and sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment Timor spm., ventral view. 34 . Left ultimate leg prefemur Timor spm., ventral view. 35 . Coxopleuron and sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment and right ultimate prefemur Rangoon spm., ventral view. 36 . Left ultimate leg prefemur, femur and tibia Rangoon spm., dorsal view. 37 . Sternite 12 Pegu Hills spm. FIGURES 38–41 . Otostigmus politus Teinzo , Myanmar. 38 . Forcipular coxopleural tooth-plates. 39 . Left coxopleuron and sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment, ventral view (coxal pores not shown). 40 . Detail of left coxopleural process, ventral view. 41 . Detail of left coxopleural process, dorsal view. d —dorsal spine. Scale bars = 1 mm except Figs 32 & 39 = 0.5 mm. Sternites long and narrow with complete paramedian sutures from 6–19, with median longitudinal depression and small round posterior median depression from 2–19. Sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with sides converging posteriorly and posterior margin very slightly curved. Coxopleural process very short with two apical spines, the pore-field narrow not expanded anteriorly ( Fig. 33 ). Legs at least to 8 with a tarsal spur, legs 9–20 missing. Ultimate legs relatively short, prefemoral spines VL 2–3, VM 2, M 2, DM 3, CS 1 ( Fig. 34 ). Prefemur, femur and tibia without dorsal grooves or pits. Remarks . Kraepelin (1903) gave a detailed description of O . geophilinus and the distribution as Java and Timor. The description was almost certainly based on an examination of the BMNH Timor specimen. Kraepelin gave antennal articles 17+18, the basal four glabrous i.e. as in this Timor specimen and noted that the ultimate leg femur (=prefemur) is similar to O . politus , for which he gave VL 3, VM 2 (+2), DM with 1 or 2 spines + CS 1. BMNH. Otostigma geophilinum Rangoon [ Myanmar ] 89.7. 5.31 E . W. Oates. A slender specimen, length approximately 33 mm . Antennal articles 18+18, the basal three glabrous dorsally, two ventrally. Forcipular coxosternal tooth-plates as long as wide, with 4+4 teeth in two groups of two. Forcipular trochanteroprefemoral process with two very weak medial denticles. Tergites with metallic sheen and with compete paramedian sutures from 6–20, marginate from 7, weak lateral corrugations from 6 or 7, a weak median keel from 4–20 (very weak on 19 and 20). Tergite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with very weak posterior median depression. Sternites with complete paramedian sutures from 3–19, and with median longitudinal depression from 3–19, small round posterior median depression missing. Sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with sides converging posteriorly and posterior margin slightly concave ( Fig. 35 ). Coxopleural process very short with two apical spines, a single lateral spine on one side, the pore-field narrow not expanded anteriorly ( Fig. 35 ). Legs 1–19 with a tarsal spur, absent on penultimate and ultimate legs. Ultimate leg prefemoral spines VL 1–3, VM 2, M 3, DM 2, CS 1+0. Prefemur, femur and tibia with grooves and pits ( Fig. 36 ). BMNH. Otostigma geophilinum Pegu Hills [ Myanmar ] A slender specimen, length approximately 45 mm , contracted and difficult to examine. Antennal articles 15[r]+18, the basal three glabrous dorsally, 2.5 ventrally. Forcipular coxosternal tooth-plates longer than wide with 4+4 teeth in two groups of two. Forcipular trochanteroprefemoral process with two very weak medial denticles. Tergites with metallic sheen and with compete paramedian sutures from 6–20, marginate from 9, weak lateral corrugations from 7, a weak median keel from 6–19. Tergite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with very weak posterior median depression. Sternites long and narrow with complete paramedian sutures from 4/5–19, with median longitudinal depression on 2–19, small round posterior median depression on 5–19 ( Fig. 37 ). Sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with sides converging posteriorly and posterior margin straight. Coxopleural process short with two apical spines or none. The pore-field narrow, not expanded anteriorly. Legs with a tarsal spur on 1–19, absent on ultimate and penultimate legs. Ultimate leg probably regenerated with prefemoral spines VL 4, VM 2, M 2, DM 4, 2, CS 1. Prefemur, femur and tibia with dorsal grooves and pits. ZMUH. Loan form gives: Otostigmus ( Otostigmus ) politus Karsch 1 ex. Teinzo, Burma [ Myanmar ]. Labels in vial: Otostigma geophilinum Haase, Teinzo Viaggio in Birmania de L fea 1885–89 ; Otostigma geophilinum Haase ; Otostigma politus Karsch geophilinum Haas Teinzo Fea l. 1885–89 Birma and Otostigmus politus Karsch 1 Exmpl. Length 33 mm . Antennal articles 18+19, the basal three glabrous dorsally, 2.5 ventrally. Forcipular coxosternal tooth-plates as long as wide, with 4+4 teeth in two groups of two ( Fig. 38 ). Forcipular trochanteroprefemoral process with two medial denticles. Tergites with compete paramedian sutures from 5–20, marginate from 10, weak lateral corrugations on posterior tergites, no median keel. Tergite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with posterior median depression. Sternites long and narrow with complete paramedian sutures from about 9–19, with median longitudinal and small round posterior median depression. Sternite of ultimate leg-bearing segment with sides converging posteriorly, a weak median longitudinal depression and posterior margin concave ( Fig. 39 ). The left coxopleural process short with two apical, one subapical and a dorsal spine ( Figs 40 & 41 ) the right damaged. The pore-field narrow, not expanded anteriorly. Most legs missing, single tarsal spurs on 8, 10, 16–18, leg 19 without. Ultimate legs missing. This incomplete specimen resembles O . geophilinus rather than O . politus as characterised by Lewis (2003) in that it has 18 antennal articles rather than 17 and relatively few coxopleural pores as opposed to many in O . politus . A posterior pore-free median longitudinal strip, which is characteristically absent in O .politus , is present in the pore-field. However, the coxopleural process with two apical, one subapical and one dorsal spine is anomalous. In O . geophilinus there are two apical and rarely one lateral coxopleural spine; in O . politus there are two or three apical spines, a subterminal and a lateral spine but no dorsal spine. It may be an abnormal specimen. It is of uncertain identity and further material is required to clarify its relationships. Remarks. Pocock (1891) wrote of O . geophilinum : “This species, remarkable for its slender build, large pleural pores etc., may easily be recognised from all other Burmese forms. Undoubtedly, it is most allied to O . nudum , Pocock , from Madras; but the last named may be distinguished by the entire absence of tarsal spurs.” Kraepelin (1903) observed that O . geophilinus Pocock from Burma was hardly identical to Haase’s species. A statement repeated by Attems (1930b) who gave a very brief description of Pocock’s (1891) specimen. Otostigmus geophilinus is relatively widely distributed (from Myanmar to Timor) and the specimens show some variation. It is possible that as presently understood it may comprise several very similar species. However, I consider that there is insufficient material for any such distinction to be made on morphological grounds and it is best regarded as a single species. I regard the ZMUH specimen from Teinzo as of uncertain identity. As noted above it is possible that O . sutteri is conspecific with O . geophilinus , this makes sense geographically but it is retained pro tem. The two are compared in Table 1 . Otostigmus sulcipes and O . sutteri are recorded as having tergites with green longitudinal stripes. However, they not recorded for O . geophilinus but colouration in scolopendrids fades with time and, in some cases, varies intraspecifically. Green longitudinal stripes are also present in the East African O . taeniatus .