A taxonomic revision of the ants of the Cardiocondyla wroughtonii group (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with a checklist of the Cardiocondyla species of the world Author Seifert, Bernhard text Soil Organisms 2024 London, England 2024-08-01 96 2 113 144 http://dx.doi.org/10.25674/415 journal article 10.25674/415 2509-9523 13194032 Cardiocondyla heinzei n.sp. Etymology: the name is given in honor of Jürgen Heinze wo has done and supervised outstanding research on the fascinating biology of Cardiocondyla ants over three decades. Type material: Holotype worker labelled ‘IVO: 8.7703°N , 3.7897°W , Comoé Res. Station , 191m , foragers on path halfway between station and river, Heinze 2019.04.04 –CI 18’, ‘ SMNG20240630 ’ [unique specimen identifier]; three worker paratypes with same labelling on another pin; three worker paratypes labelled ‘IVO: 8.84028°N , 3.77111°W , Comoé Park , Iringo River 202 m , Heinze 2019.04.06 –CI 45’; two worker paratypes labelled ‘IVO: 8.7703°N , 3.7897°W , Comoé Res. Station , 191m , foragers on path halfway, between station and river, Heinze 2019.04.07 –CI 55’; depository SMN Görlitz. All material examined . Only the three type samples from Ivory Coast were available . Geographic range . Only known from the two type localities in Ivory Coast . Diagnosis : --Worker ( Tab. 2 , Figs 44–48, key). Extremely small, CS 377 µm. Head elongated, CL/CW 1.189. Median third of anterior clypeal margin slightly concave, median third of occipital margin straight. Postocular distance large, PoOc/CL 0.457. Frons very narrow (FRS/CS 0.219), widening frontad (FL/FR 1.063), caudal of FRS level parallel. Eye without any microsetae and rather smalll, EYE/CS 0.232. Scape moderately long, SL/CS 0.786. Metanotal groove in profile in absolute terms rather deep (MGr/CS 3.25 %) but with shallow slopes to mesonotum and propodeum. Prododeal spines long (SP/CS 0.201), thin and acute; in profile deviating from longitudinal mesosomal axis by only 25°, in dorsal view slightly diverging and and slightly incurved; their bases narrow (SPBA/CS 0.240). Petiole very narrow and moderately high (PeW/CS 0.234, PeH/CS 0.333); in lateral view with a concave anterior face and a long weakly convex dorsal profile; petiole in dorsal view very slender, its node 1.5 fold as long as wide and narrowing frontad. Postpetiole rather wide and low (PpW/CS 0.454, PpH/CS 0.276); the sternite anterolaterally with a rounded lobiform protrusion on each side which clearly elevates above the level of median surface of sternite; the surface of the sternite thus appearing deeply concave in frontal view. Postpetiole in dorsal view with a concave anterior margin and convex sides. Anterior clypeus with fine transverse rugulae. Vertex with densely-arranged, flat-bottomed and moderately large foveolae (dFov 16.7). The largest foveolae show a flat tubercle around the hair base of 6–8 µm diameter which is sometimes connected with the outer ring through 1–2 fine microcarinulae ( Fig. 47 ). Whole lateral area of mesosoma microreticulate, promesontum foveolate-reticulate. Petiole microreticulate, postpetiole more shiny. First gaster tergite with a rather long and dense pubescence (PLG/CS 7.12%, sqPDG 4.14) and a weak microreticulum ( Fig. 48 ). All body parts yellowish with exception of the blackish brown gaster. Taxonomic comments. As a combination of large CL/ CW and small PeW/CS and FRS/CS not confuse with other members of the wroughtonii group. Biology. The workers foraged on ground in both open and woody situations.