A taxonomic review of the genus Isocopris Pereira and Martínez, 1960 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae), with description of a new Brazilian species Author Rossini, Michele Author Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z. text Journal of Natural History 2017 J. Nat. Hist. 2017-05-17 51 19 - 20 1091 1117 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2017.1319517 journal article 10.1080/00222933.2017.1319517 1464-5262 5181292 8F7F824F-057A-41FE-956E-E0A633BCA3A5 Isocopris imitator ( Felsche, 1901 ) comb. nov. ( Figures 3 and 8 (b)) Pinotus imitator Felsche, 1901: 136 Pinotus latistriatus Luederwaldt, 1935: 335 , syn. nov. Dichotomius ( Dichotomius ) imitator Vaz-de-Mello, 2000: 193 Dichotomius ( Dichotomius ) latistriatus Vaz-de-Mello, 2000: 193 Description Medium-sized species, body length 15 22 mm , body completely black to dark brown, antennal club yellow. Head : male with clypeus wide, clypeal margin strongly reflexed and plate-like at middle, central margin very weakly to distinctly concave, with two obtuse and close teeth, lateral margins of clypeus always clearly sinuate, female with clypeus triangular shaped and elongated forward, weakly reflexed and slightly sinuate at middle, head margin obtusely angulate at the clypeo-genal junction. Both sexes with a fronto-clypeal horn, conical and flanked by two small humps tubercle-like located slightly backward, cephalic horn of female smaller, frons always with a strong and medial depression. Clypeal and genal surface completely and shallowly wrinkled, frons with coarse and transverse punctures. Thorax : pronotum simply convex, anteromedial region without humps, anterior margin of pronotum with a thin bead, pronotal punctuation dense, very shallow and evenly distributed, punctures separated by at most two diameters. Elytra convex and swollen, striae well impressed, interstriae weakly convex, elytral punctures very similar to those on the pronotum. Prosternum smooth, with a fine microsculpture, sometimes with few short setae, mesosternum granulose, with coarse and shallow punctures associated to short setae, metasternum finely microsculptured on the superior side and along inner margins of mesocoxae, superior side with evanescent and shallow punctures. Abdomen : pygidium entirely bordered, pygidial surface with very fine punctures. Legs : anterior margin of fore tibiae obliquely truncated, inner and apical angle finely acuminated, with few straight setae at the apex. Apical spur with superior margin bifid, apex of the spur directed inward, apical spur of hind tibiae apically bifurcated. Male genitalia : parameres and endophallic lamellae as shown in Figure 3 (e g). Distribution Brazil : Mato Grosso, Rondônia, Pará ; French Guiana : Cayenne ( Figure 8 (b)) . Species mostly associated to Amazon forests, also a few specimens known from the Brazilian cerrado. Remarks The morphological features observed in Dichotomius ( D .) imitator ( Felsche, 1901 ) lead us to assign this species to the genus Isocopris . Therefore, Isocopris imitator is proposed as a new combination (ICZN 1999, art. 48). Furthermore, on examining the type specimens of Dichotomius ( D .) latistriatus ( Luederwaldt 1935 ) , we conclude that both I. imitator and D . ( D .) latistriatus actually refer to the same species. Thus, according to the Art. 23 of the ICZN (1999), D . ( D .) latistriatus is here considered to be a new synonym under I. imitator . Type specimens examined Of Pinotus imitator : lectotype here designated ( 1 SMTD ) : 1 . Pará (printed on green label). 2. Typus (printed on orange label) . 3. Col . C Felsche, Kauf 1918 (printed on green label). 4. imitator, Felsche , Pará (handwritten in italic on cream label with purple border). 5. Staatl Museum für Tierkunde Dresden (printed on white label) . 6. LECTOTYPE , Pinotus imitator Felsche , det. F. Vaz-de- Mello , 2011 (handwritten and printed on white label with black border) . 7. LECTOTYPE (printed on red label). Paralectotypes ( 1 ♂, 1 SMTD ) : 1 . Pará (printed on green label). 2. Col . C Felsche, Kauf 1918 (printed on green label). 3. Staatl Museum für Tierkunde Dresden (printed on white label) . 4. PARALECTOTYPE (printed on red label). Of Pinotus latistriatus : lectotype here designated ( 1 NHML ) : 1: SYN-TYPE (printed on rounded label with turquoise border) . 2: Santarem/53, 92 (handwritten on light blue label). 3: Pinotus latistriatus n. sp. , , Lüederwaldt, 1934 (handwritten on cream label). 4: LECTOTYPE (printed on red label with black border). 5: Pinotus latistriatus Lued., LECTOT , det. F. Vaz-de-Mello, 2011 (printed and handwritten on white label with black border). Paralectotype ( 1 NHML ): 1: SYN-TYPE (printed on rounded label with turquoise border) . 2: 67, 45 (printed on cream label). 3: 374 (handwritten on light blue label). 4: Pinotus latistriatus n. sp. , , Lüederwaldt, 1934 (handwritten on cream label). 5: telemachus, Reiche, Cayenne (handwritten on cream label). 6: PARALECTOTYPE (printed on yellow label with black border). Other specimens examined BRAZIL : Mato Grosso : Alta Floresta . Frag . 16. 09°41 ʹ 24 S , 55°56 ʹ 28 W. VI 2008 ( 1 ♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Frag . 26. 09°53 ʹ 40 S , 56°16 ʹ 34 W. VI 2008 ( 2 ♀♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Frag . 27. 09°49 ʹ 44 S , 56°19 ʹ 51 W. VI 2008 ( 4 ♀♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Frag . 67. 09°46 ʹ 22 S , 56°11 ʹ 48 W. VI 2008 ( 1 ♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Frag . 131. 09°39 ʹ 56 S , 55° 17 ʹ 54 W. VI 2008 ( 1 ♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Frag 145 . 09°51 ʹ 06 S , 55°59 ʹ 04 W. IV 2008 ( 1 ♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Frag . 150. 09°35 ʹ 54 S , 56°56 ʹ 09 W. IV 2008 ( 3 ♀♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Frag . FAH. 09°52 ʹ 53 S , 56°06 ʹ 13 W. IV 2008 ( 1 ♂ CEMT ) . Cláudia . PPBio2T2P12. 11°25 ʹ 05 S , 55°19 ʹ 48 W. 30 III 2010 ( 2 ♂♂ CEMT ) . Same locality . PPBio1T1P5. 11°36 ʹ 10 S , 55°15 ʹ 28 W. 25 III 2010 ( 1 ♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Fazenda Continental ( 3 ♂♂ CEMT ) . Cotriguaçú . Fazenda São Nicolau . 14 XI 2007 ( 1 ♂ CEMT ) . Same locality . Matinha . 09° 50 ʹ 19 S , 58°15 ʹ 03 W ( 3 ♀♀ CEMT ) . Same locality . Castanheira . 09°49 ʹ 18 S , 58°17 ʹ 18 W ( 1 ♀ CEMT ) . Querência . Fazenda São Luiz. ( 3 ♂♂ , 12 ♀♀ CEMT ) . Tangará da Serra . 14° 35 ʹ 55 S , 57°50 ʹ 33 W. 06 08 II 2012 (1 # CEMT). Same locality . Fazenda Paraíso. 14° 41 ʹ 46 S , 57°24 ʹ 39 W. 25 VI 2010 ( 4 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ CEMT ) . Rondônia : Guajará-Mirim . 10° 44 ʹ 53.56 S , 65°17 ʹ 31.10 W. 16 II 2010 ( 1 ♀ CEMT ) . Pará : Jacareacanga . Rio Teles Pires . Sete Quedas. 09°19 ʹ 18 S , 56°47 ʹ 03 W . 8 VI 2009 ( 1 ♂ CEMT ) .