Nineteen new genera and 82 new species of Cremnorrhinina from Australia, including analyses of host relationships and distributions (Insecta: Hemiptera: Miridae: Phylininae: Cremnorrhinini) Author Randall T. Schuh Author Michael D. Schwartz text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2016 401 1 279 journal article 39161 10.5281/zenodo.269465 4e88a985-9cb4-4912-9b10-71db96ba36f5 269465 Gyrophallus forrestii , new species Figure 39, map 9, table 1, plates 12, 13 DIAGNOSIS: Recognized by large size, endosoma with two long, slender, overlapping, apical spines, a separate, medium-sized, membranous sac on subapical ventral margin (fig. 39, pl. 13), elongate left paramere with produced dorsoposterior margin, long posterior process, and relatively large anterior process, and elongate right paramere with truncate apex (fig. 39). Most similar in size to G. lasseteri , G. pantonii , and G. symondsae , but structure of male genitalia distinctive, with two long, slender apical spines, one straight and one recurved (pl. 13). DESCRIPTION: Male: Mean total length 4.72, mean pronotum width 1.19. COLORA- TION (pl. 12): Light green to pale, hemelytron cloudy; corium with a diffuse dark spot at inner angle of cuneus; membrane cloudy, with a weak dark spot at apex of cells. SURFACE AND VESTITURE (pl. 12): Vestiture of reclining, pale, common setae. STRUCTURE: Head (pl. 12): Eye occupying slightly more than three-fifths height of head; antenna inserted just above ventral margin of eye, eye emarginate above insertion; antennal segment 2 relatively short (1.09), 1.20 times width of head; labium very long, reaching onto pygophore. Thorax (pl. 12): Mesoscutum moderately exposed. Hemelytron : Greatly elongate, costal margin weakly convex, cuneus long. GENITALIA (fig. 39, pl. 13): Pygophore: Moderate in size. Endosoma: Moderately large, apical spines sigmoid and overlapping; dorsal strap with straight apical spine; ventral strap bifid with long, recurved apical spine and lateral sclerite supporting billowy membrane. Phallotheca: Apical portion elongate and narrow; dorsal surface with short ridge; aperture elongate ovoid on anterior dorsoapical aspect; basal portion reaching to three quarters length of pygophore in situ. Parameres: Left paramere elongate with dorsoposterior margin projecting posteriad in dorsal view, anterior process large. Right paramere long, apically truncate, with subapical constriction; two apical projections, posterior point prominent. Female (pl. 12): Coloration as in male; differing from male as in generic description; mean total length 4.06, mean pronotum width 1.20. ETYMOLOGY: Named for the host species Eremophila forrestii (Scrophulariaceae) . HOST: Recorded from Eremophila forrestii (pl. 37G) ( Scrophulariaceae ). DISTRIBUTION (map 9): Known from the Pilbara District of Western Australia. HOLOTYPE: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Co.: 120 km N of Newman on Great Nthn Hwy, 23.055°S 118.86166°E, 743 m, 26 Aug 2005, G. Cassis , S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , 1♂ (AMNH_PBI 00389764) (WAMP). Fig. 39. Male genitalic structures of Gyrophallus forrestii . PARATYPES: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Co.: 45 km N of Newman on Great Nthn Hwy, 23.28366°S 117.06722°E, 26 Aug 2005, G. Cassis , S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Perth staff PERTH 7300506, 2♂ (00389785, 00389787) (AM), 1♂ (00389786) (UNSW). 120 km N of Newman on Great Nthn Hwy, 23.055°S 118.86166°E, 743 m, 26 Aug 2005, G. Cassis , S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Field ID, 3♀ (00389766, 0 0 389769, 00389770) (AM), 2♀ (00389768, 00389771) (AMNH), 1♀ (00389767) (UNSW), 1♂ (0038 9765), 1♀ (00389772) (WAMP). OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED: AUSTRALIA: Western Australia: Pilbara Co.: 45 km N of Newman on Great Nthn Hwy, 23.28366°S 117.06722°E, 26 Aug 2005, G. Cassis , S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. ( Scrophulariaceae ), det. Perth staff PERTH 7300506, 1 nymph (00389788) (AM). 120 km N of Newman on Great Nthn Hwy, 23.055°S 118.86166°E, 743 m, 26 Aug 2005, G. Cassis , S. Lassau, S. and G. Carter, Eremophila forrestii F. Muell. (Scrophulariaceae) , det. Field ID, 4 nymphs (00389773–0 0 38 9776) (AM).