Two New Species Of The Genus Stenohya Beier From Yunnan, China (Pseudoscorpiones: Neobisiidae) Author Yang, J. Author Zhang, F. Author R, P. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2013 2013-05-31 59 2 131 141 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5736141 2064-2474 5736141 Stenohya meiacantha sp. n. ( Figs 16 –28) Typematerial. Holotypemale (Ps.- MHBU-YN11022801 ), China , YunnanProvince , LongyangDistrict , NankangYakou [ 24°50′N , 98°46′E ], alt. 2100 m , 28 February 2011 , LuyuWangleg.; paratypes : twofemales (Ps.- MHBU-YN11022802-11022803 ), samedataasfor holotype . Etymology.ThespecificnameisderivedfromtheLatinadiective “ meiacantha ”, refers tothesmallerspineonthebaseofmovablefinger. Diagnosis. Pedipalpalmovablefingerslender, 1.91 timeslongerthan hand (withoutpedicel); malechelalhandwithaventralspinenearthebaseof thefinger, whichisabsentinthefemale. Descriptionofmale. Colourmostlybrown, legsandabdomenyellow ( Fig. 16 ). Fig. 16. Stenohyameiacantha sp. n. Holotypemale (left) andparatypefemale (right). Habitus, dorsal view. Carapace. Smooth, withatotalof 23 setae, including 6 onanteriormarginand 4 on posteriormargin (Fig. 17); epistomesmallandtriangular; 4 eyes, anteriorpairwithlens, posteriorpairrepresentedbyeyespots; lateralmarginsslightlyconvex; 1.42 timeslonger thanbroad. Abdomen. Pleuralmembranestronglygranulated. Tergalchaetotaxy: 6: 8: 10: 10: 6: 8: 12: 8: 8: 8: 6, includingatleast 2 tactilesetaeontergitesVI–XI; sternalchaetotaxy (IV–XI): 18: 26: 27: 26: 22: 18: 17: 12, sternites VI–VIII with a cluster of medial scattered glandular setae, almostequalinlengthtothemarginalones; analconewith 2 dorsaland 2 ventral setae. Anteriorgenitaloperculumwith 17 smallsetaeand 2 lyrifissures; posteriorgenital sternitewith 11 setaemedially, 23 setaeontheposteriormargin, and 2 lyrifissures (Fig. 27). Pedipalps. Apex of coxa rounded and with 5 setae. Trochanter 1.40, femur 3.75, patella 4.58, chela (withpedicel) 2.35, chela (withoutpedicel) 2.22 timeslongerthanbroad, movablefinger 1.91 timeslongerthanhand (withoutpedicel). Venomapparatuspresentonly infixedchelalfinger, venomductveryshort. Prolateralfaceoffemurwithfewtubercles andnotstraight, depressedatthebase; prolateralfaceofpatellasmooth (Fig. 18); chelal fingerslongandslender, palmwithmoretubercles (Fig. 19); handonventralsidenearbase ofmovablefingerwithasmallthorn- likeprojectionpointingdistallydownwards (Fig. 21). Fixedchelalfingerwith 8 trichobothria, movablefingerwith 4 (Fig. 20): eb and esb situated on base of hand, grouped very closely with ib and isb ; est , et and it grouped together distally; ist situatedmidwaybetween isb and it ; b and sb situatedclosertoeachotherinbasal half, st and t closetoeachotherindistalhalfofmovablefinger. Fixedchelalfingerwith 92 almostequal-sizedroundedteeth; movablefingerwithabout 78 teeth, ofwhichthe 5 distal teetharepointedandtheremainingteetharerounded. Chelicera. Palmwith 7 setae, movablefingerwith 1 submedialseta (Fig. 22); fixed fingerwith 14 teeth; movablefingerwith 5 teeth; serrulaexteriorwith 42 lamellae; serrula interiorwith 36 lamellae; galeaelongatedanddividedintotwomainbranches, onebranch secondarilydividedinto 2 terminalbranchlets, theotherdividedinto 3 (Fig. 23); rallumof 9 blades, allbladeswithanteriorly-directedspinules, thebasalmostbladeshortandsmall, andabouttwothirdsofthelengthoftheothers, distalmostbladeslightlyshorterand thickerthanthesecondone (Fig. 24). Legs. LegI (Fig. 25): trochanter 1.09, femur 4.71, patella 2.75, tibia 4.33, basitarsus 4.75, telotarsus 4.75 times as long as deep. Leg IV (Fig. 26): trochanter 2.00, femur + patella 3.93, tibia 5.11, basitarsus 3.50, telotarsus 6.40 times as long as deep. Telotarsus IV with 1 tactilesetae (TS 0.67). Subterminaltarsalsetabifurcate; aroliumnotdivided, shorterthan theslenderandsimpleclaws. Dimensions (length/breadthordepth, inmm). Bodylengthca. 4.35. Carapace 1.35/0.95. Pedipalps: trochanter 0.53/0.38, femur 1.50/0.40, patella 1.38/0.30, chela (with pedicel) 2.70/0.58, chela (withoutpedicel) 2.55/0.58, handlength (withoutpedicel) 0.88, movablefingerlength 1.68. Chelicera 0.82/0.40, movablefingerlength 0.50. LegI: trochant- er 0.30/0.28, femur 0.83/0.18, patella 0.55/0.20, tibia 0.65/0.15, basitarsus 0.48/0.10, telotarsus 0.48/0.10. Leg IV: trochanter 0.55/0.28, femur + patella 1.48/0.38, tibia 1.15/0.23, basitarsus 0.53/0.23, telotarsus 0.80/0.13. Descriptionoffemale. Likeholotype, exceptasfollows. Carapace 1.09 timeslonger thanbroad. Tergalchaetotaxy: 6: 9: 9: 10: 11: 12: 11: 10: 8: 6: 4. Anteriorgenitalsternitewith 31 setae and 2 lyrifissures and posterior genital sternite with 27 setae and 2 lyrifissures (Fig. 28); Chaetotaxy of sternites IV–XI: 19: 22: 22: 19: 16: 16: 10: 5, sternites VI–VIII with a pair ofmedialdiscalglandularsetae, clearlylongerthanmarginalones. Pedipalps. Trochanter 2.45, femur 5.13, patella 2.68, chela (withpedicel) 3.56, chela (withoutpedicel) 3.38 timeslongerthanbroad, movablefinger 1.35 timeslongerthanhand (withoutpedicel). Prolateralfaceoffemurwithsmalltubercles; patellaandchelalhand smooth, withoutspine. Fixedchelalfingerwith 84 almostequal-sizedpointedteeth, movablefingerwith 76 almostequal-sizedroundedteeth. Figs 17–28. Stenohya meiacantha sp. n. : 17–27 = male, 17,carapace, dorsal view; 18–19, left pedipalp; 20, chela, retrolateralview; 21, chela, lateralview, showingthespine; 22,leftchelicera, dorsalview; 23, galea; 24, rallum; 25, rightlegI; 26, leftlegIV; 27, genitalarea, male, ventralview. 28 = female, genitalarea, ventralview. Scalebars: 1.0 mm (Figs 17–21,25–26), 0.5 mm (Figs 27–28), 0.4 mm (Fig. 22), 0.05 mm (Figs 23–24). Chelicera. Serrulaexteriorwith 45 lamellae; serrulainteriorwith 32 lamellae; galea elongatedanddividedintotwomainbranches, eachbranchsecondarilydividedinto 3 terminalbranchlets; rallumof 9 blades. Legs. Leg I: trochanter 1.36, femur 4.57, patella 3.29, tibia 4.17, basitarsus 3.20, telotarsus 5.00 times as long as deep. Leg IV: trochanter 1.91, femur + patella 5.79, tibia 5.22, basitarsus 3.83, telotarsus 6.00 timesaslongasdeep. Dimensions (length/breadthordepth, inmm). Bodylengthca. 6.60. Carapace 1.78/1.08. Pedipalps: trochanter 0.68/0.28, femur 2.05/0.40, patella 1.28/0.48, chela (with pedicel) 2.85/0.80, chela (withoutpedicel) 2.70/0.80, handlength (withoutpedicel) 1.15, movablefingerlength 1.55. Chelicera 0.84/0.45, movablefingerlength 0.52. LegI: trochant- er 0.38/0.28, femur 0.80/0.18, patella 0.58/0.18, tibia 0.63/0.15, basitarsus 0.40/0.13, telotarsus 0.50/0.10. Leg IV: trochanter 0.53/0.28, femur + patella 2.03/0.35, tibia 1.18/0.23, basitarsus 0.58/0.15, telotarsus 0.75/0.13. Remarks. Males of three species of Stenohya , S. hamata (Leclerc et Mahn- ert, 1988), S. curvata Zhao et Zhang and S. meiacantha sp. n. have a spine on the ventralmarginofthechelalhand. However, S. meiacantha canbeseparated fromtheothertwospeciesbythefollowinguniquecharacteristics: themov- ablechelalfingerisstraightin S. meiacantha , whereasitisbentinthebasal thirdin S. curvata ; thespineissmallandbluntin S. meiacantha , whileitisbig- gerandpointedin S. hamata ; andthemovablefingerof S. hamata hasaventral hump-likeprojection, whichisabsentin S. meiacantha .